Celebrations and Acclamations 

  • Primary SS - Thank you to Amelia, who has been amazing whilst leading at JSA!
  • Middle SS -  A huge thank you to Amelia and other members of the leadership team for stepping in whilst I was away! On behalf of both staff and students, a big thank you!
  • Secondary SS - A big warm welcome to Bill the new Secondary Sub School Leader. 
  • Learning Specialists - Thank you to Zeinab for doing the PSC resources.
  • OH&S - I would like to extend my appreciation to all staff for their efforts in keeping the Operations Folder up to date. A special thank you goes to our Learning Specialists (LS) and Sub School Leaders (SSLs) for their outstanding support in the classrooms.
  • Therapy - A big thank you to everyone who has helped prepare for the Mini Woolies Launch today!
  • Admin -  A huge shout out to Frances, and Fiona with supporting admin/reception on Monday whilst Shirley and Michelle attending a Professional Learning session.  
  • PCT -  A huge thank you to the Therapy Team, Jacob, Frances &  Loc for clearing our the old "Music Room" to make way for Jacana Mini Woolies.  Official Launch is today and we are super excited to partner with Woolworths for this new an amazing opportunity.   The application for our own Mini Woolies was submitted in December 2022 and we were finally accepted in May 2024.   The program will provide students with opportunities to; 
  1. Develop interpersonal communication skills of retail customer service and conversational engagement
  2. Practice real world skills of literacy, numeracy, money handling and register operation
  3. Develop product handling and stock management of groceries, fresh produce and perishable foods
  4. Build confidence, independence and preparedness for the future
  5. Experience exposure to build knowledge and familiarity of real-world environments

"What ever you want to do, if you want to be good at it, you have to love it and be able to make sacrifices for it".

Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou