Sports News

Sports Update
Senior Hoop time Basketball
On Thursday 15th August, 77 students competed in Hoop time Basketball at Dandenong Basketball Stadium. Hoop time is run by Basketball Victoria at various venues across Victoria and has been going strong for over 35 years.
We had 9 teams compete across different grades from All Star Boys, All Star Girls, Future Stars (mixed) and Rookie (mixed) teams. We played schools from different areas around Melbourne and participated in round robin games consisting of 1x13 min games. After a shaky start to the day, we had some wonderful results and one team made the finals in the afternoon.
Well done to our Future Stars Opals team who came 2nd in their pool and played Park Ridge PS in the semi finals. They put up an excellent fight but unfortunately lost by 1 point and were knocked out.
It was a huge day of basketball and lots of tired bodies by the end of the day. Students showed lots of team spirit and demonstrated our school values of excellence, respect, kindness and integrity. All our teams did exceptionally well and thoroughly enjoyed the hoop time experience.
Thank you to all the parents who helped out with coaching, team managing and scoring. We really appreciate your help! Also to the parents who came to support. GO TEAM POPS!
Mrs Carbone
PE & Sports Coordintor