Parent Information

Stage 4 Entrepreneurial Enterprise Market Days
Throughout this term, Stage 4 students have been participating in a student-driven, hands-on learning experience where they’ve all become promising, young entrepreneurs!
Stage 4 students have been learning about business and how to design and develop a successful business idea. They have been learning about market research, consumer needs vs. consumer wants, and persuasive devices and techniques used in advertising.
Along the way, students have been busy creating posters, business logos, and even a very entertaining and clever radio ad which you will see and hear over the coming days on our Facebook page!
Stage 4 students have been learning by doing, tackling real life concepts like budgeting, problem solving, prototyping and most importantly, working as a team. Now the students are gearing up to showcase their hard work as young entrepreneurs with our two upcoming market days where student-led business groups will be selling to the community… and the best part? Each class will be donating their entire profit to their own class selected charity, in real entrepreneurial enterprise style!
The EE Market Days are next Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September… these are dates you just don’t want to miss!
Some businesses are also providing the opportunity for pre-ordering to be completed in advance through QKR, while there will also be opportunities for over the counter purchasing each market day using cash. QKR ordering will be available from tomorrow, Friday 6th September, and will close at midnight on Monday night, 9th September.
Click this link to access a digital copy of our EE Market Guide listing all the different businesses available, their locations and logistics, and shares information about the charities each class has chosen to support.
Check out the fantastic student-designed posters, decide what you'd like to buy, and get ready for some fun filled market days!
We can’t wait to show you all that the students have learned and accomplished.
See you there!
Father's Day Photos
Our sincerest apologies for last Friday afternoon, as per the previous newsletter, due to illness we were unable to provide Father's Day photos on the oval as anticipated.
To ensure you do not miss out, we will have the camera set up again this afternoon, Thursday 5th September, from 2.45pm until 3.30pm to take Father's Day photos.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club Issue 6 catalogues were sent home with students last week.
Scholastic apps are available to download for both Apple and Android devices to make ordering through the Loop system easier.
There is the option to mark your purchases as GIFTS. When these books arrive, you will be contacted directly, rather than books going home with students.
Please also note that some titles offered, differ from the Christian ethos followed by the school.
Orders need to be placed via LOOP by TODAY -Thursday 5th September 2024.
Happy Reading Everyone!
Pupil Free Day - Friday 6th September
A reminder that tomorrow, Friday 6th September, the primary school will have a pupil free day (school closure). This day has historically been for families to attend the Royal Adelaide Show.
On this day, our team will be completing a range of Professional Development opportunities - these include our OSHC staff, so OSHC will not be running on this day.
School Uniform: Hats
Hats are required to be worn whenever students are involved in school activities held outside during the months of August to May. Students not wearing a hat during these months will be directed to under the verandas during playtimes. Please ensure your child's hat is clearly named before sending to school.
School Absences
Please don't forget, if your child is going to be absent from school you will need to notify both their classroom teacher and the front office. This can be done via email. The front office email is:
Volunteer Training
Our next Volunteer Training session is:
- Friday 20th September, 2:30pm @ Curiosity ELC
- Thursday 24th October, 8.30am @ School
There has been an update to the training and any new volunteers from July 2024 onwards will now need to complete the RRHAN-EC online course.
To learn more about the available opportunities and the application process, please take a moment to review the attached PDF document. We greatly appreciate your willingness to support our educational journey, and we look forward to welcoming you as valued members of our dedicated team.
We have plenty of volunteer opportunities within our school for those interested in contributing to our vibrant community at Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista, and your involvement is crucial in creating a nurturing environment for our students.
GSPV Dad's 'Coffee Appreciation Night'
GSPV Dad's and male role models, we are having another event to connect you with other Dads in the community, and to continue building friendships that you may already have.
Expect to leave a coffee snob, Brett will endeavour to show his love of coffee and teach you everything from roasting beans, tasting different styles of coffees, and much more.
You don't have to like coffee to come and enjoy a night with the boys, so don't be shy, bring a friend and we will see you there.
Date: Next Friday 13th Sept.
Time: 7pm- 9pm ish
Location: GSPV Ark. Follow the veranda past the reception classrooms next to the oval and follow the building around into the ARK (Where OSHC is usually held)
RSPV: Wed 11th of September Matt - 0418836454
Cost: $0
What to bring: cool drinks (beers etc are fine).
Some light nibbles will also be provided on the night.
This event is hosted by Mila Coffee Co.
Growing Faith At Home Resource
Thank You - Father's Day Stall Contributions
The Father's Day Team want to thank all the parent volunteers that helped us throughout the week last week in providing the Father's Day Stall and Raffle for the children and families of Good Shepherd. It was an outright success and such a beautiful event that the children enjoyed immensely. Their smiling faces were priceless to see.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to the following people and local businesses for donating to the raffle who made our Father’s Day stall possible. Please help support these local businesses when you can. Let’s work together!!
Lena Harmer
Thank you also to the following parents for donating their time to help at the stall and/or donating stock to sell. We could not have done it without you!
Chris T
Sally T
Nina J
Anita M
Lucy H
Lauren D
Amy S
Dani L
Rika U
Nicole R
Angela M
Simone P
Bel S
Jess D
Candita D
Simon Q
Kim D
Thank you, The FD Stall Team
Alix Zeppel / Alana Siedel / Kim Crane-Noonan / Sarah Pound / Jodi Quast
School Student Broadband Initiative
The School Student Broadband Initiative is an Australian Government program that offers free home internet to families and carers who look after school age children, that currently do not have a current nbn home internet connection.
To qualify for this offer:
- You must be caring for a school age student at your home.
- Must not have an active nbn connection at your home now or in the past 14 days. (Having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility).
- Must live in a property that can access the nbn network through a standard connection.
- Apply for the offer by 31 December 2024 to get free home internet until the end of December 2025
What’s included in the offer?
- Free home internet until December 2025
- Free WI-FI router (you can keep it)
- Unlimited data
- 50 / 20 plan (this is a typical household plan)
- No lock in contracts
- Choice of participating internet providers
- Ongoing support from the National Referral Centre to apply – callback, webchat, and interpreting services available
Contact the National Referral Centre to apply on 1800 954 610 Monday - Friday, 10am - 6pm (AEDT) or visit this website.
'Developing Minds' Webinars
'Developing Minds' is a free webinar series designed to help parents/caregivers of primary aged children understand common mental and emotional health challenges in these children, and the ways psychologists work with children and families managing these problems.
Renee Baker, a member of our Wellbeing and Support team, is seeking interest from families who would like to attend the webinar series at the school as a group.
The webinars will run as follows:
- Tuesday 10th September 5.45pm - 6.15pm
"How common are 'challenging behaviours' in childhood, what causes children to act in challenging ways and how do psychologists work with children who have higher levels of challenging behaviours" - Tuesday 17th September 5:45pm - 6:15pm
"How common are friendship and social difficulties in childhood - what causes these challenges and how do psychologists work with children with social challenges"
If you are interested in attending, please send an email with your name and contact phone number to