School Council Update

At the recent Council meeting in early September, we discussed the results of the ‘Attitudes to School Survey’ undertaken by years 4-6. The school has a strategic plan that outlines goals that build on the great foundations established at EPS over the years. To ensure accountability to the goals, the plan includes target metrics. In relation to the students, these include goals such as empowering the student to be active agents in their learning and strengthening the engagement and well-being of all students. The Attitudes to School Survey is an important way for the student to have a voice in how we are going against these goals. Pleasingly, we are tracking well above the target metrics we set to achieve by 2025.


We also discussed the results of the Parents & Carer Survey, which had a response rate of 50%. Again, the results were mostly pleasing, with a few areas such as teacher communications highlighted as an area for improvement. Sub-groups have been established to address areas of opportunity for improvement. 


There was consensus that the grade 3 & 4 camps held in early September were a big success. Students had a great time at Camp Rumbug, with many getting out of their comfort zone and returning home with a greater feeling of confidence and independence. 


Works continue around the school to improve the facilities for the children. Most of the works on the current Master Plan are close to complete so a new plan is currently being drafted. 


You will have seen communications about the new 'School Saving Bonus', a State Government initiative that will provide a one-off $400 to help Victorian families with school costs. Keep your eyes open for more communications from the school who are working hard to streamline processes around this payment. 


A big shout out to all the amazing EPS Dad’s who celebrated Father’s Day earlier this month. We are lucky to have a very present and engaged community of Dad’s at EPS who we celebrated with a gratitude stall and coffee morning. 


And finally, bucket hats are back out which means Spring has finally sprung! Enjoy the warmer weather.


Bec Miller