Wellbeing & Engagement
Leanne Williams - Acting Assistant Principal
Wellbeing & Engagement
Leanne Williams - Acting Assistant Principal
Wellbeing Update
Wellbeing Curriculum – Term 4
This term, students will focus on the Problem Solving and Stress Management components of the Respectful Relationships curriculum. They will learn a variety of positive problem-solving strategies and explore which approaches are best suited for different situations.
Trusted Adults
The concept of ‘trusted adults’ is central to EPS' approach in helping students identify those they feel comfortable turning to for support as they navigate solving problems. As we approach the school holidays, each student has revisited their list of trusted adults outside of school. To continue these conversations at home, ask your child about their chosen trusted adults and how they provide support.
Class Creation for 2025
Final class groupings for 2025 will be announced during our whole-school Step Up Day on Tuesday, 17th December. If your child will be absent that day, the admin team will email your child’s class teacher allocation for 2025.
Please understand that significant time and effort goes into this process. We kindly ask that you refrain from seeking details regarding class groupings before this date. My previous COMPASS news item outlines the requirements for making any requests, and further information can be found in the Class Placement Policy on our website.
The Bullying No Way: National week of action
As per the last newsletter, this year’s theme was ‘Everyone belongs’. Based on the idea that when students feel like they are accepted for who they are, bullying struggles to find a place.
As promised here is the clip of our Wellbeing Captains roving the playground and asking students how they have previously demonstrated being an upstander.
Thanks Mr. Kirby!
Safe, Valued, and Respected Survey
The Wellbeing Captains and I have reviewed feedback from the Term 3 Safe, Valued, and Respected Survey. The key themes identified were:
The Wellbeing Captains canvassed students in Years 1 to 3 to identify areas of the yard where they feel unsafe. They marked these areas on a map, which was shared with Year 5 Mediators and staff on yard duty. Additionally, the Wellbeing Captains will be available during break times to provide support as needed.
In collaboration with the SRC, we will also relaunch our Nude Food initiative in Term 4. Each SRC representative will track their class’s efforts over a 4-week period to determine the Nude Food Class Champion!
Both of these action items align with our commitment to Child Safe Standard 3: Empowering children and young people to participate in decisions affecting them and ensuring their voices are heard.
SunSmart Reminder
As we head into Term 4, we expect UV levels to rise to 3 or higher on some days. Please remember the following SunSmart guidelines to minimize UV exposure:
For further details, please refer to our SunSmart and Extreme Heat Policy available on the EPS website.
Engagement update
During planning week, our talented teachers engaged deeply with the curriculum to define the key understandings they want their students to grasp by the end of the Term 4 Big Questions. This involved designing Units that are meaningful, relevant to real-world issues, encourage deep thinking, and, most importantly, help students understand what it means to be a global citizen.
If you have any interest or expertise in the below areas, please reach out.