Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

This morning, we celebrated the amazing males in the lives of our students at St Michael's. It was wonderful to have such a great turn out and the children entertained the crowd with a variety of assembly items. Happy Fathers' Day to all dads, pops and carers for this coming Sunday, September 1. We hope you enjoy a wonderful day. Congratulations to Robert Spires who won the Fathers' Day lucky door prize.


This week, we joined with Fr Curran as he celebrated his 50th year ordained as a Catholic Priest. This is a major milestone for Fr Curran and we congratulate him and wish him all the best for many happy years ahead as he continues the mission of God.


Best wishes to Eloise Trotter, who will play in the Polding Team at the PSSA Softball trials next week. This is an amazing achievement and we wish Eloise luck at the competition.

Congratulations Eloise. We are very proud of you.


A reminder that the Survey My School Survey is still open if you have not had your say. The survey will close on Wednesday September 5. Responses can be useful in helping to determine future direction of the school. 


A reminder that enrolments for 2025 are now open. Please contact the school office if you require further information.

Enjoy a fabulous weekend,
