Specialist Classes

This fortnight in STEM, the Foundation students continued exploring Scratch Junior, building on their skills from last week where they focused on adding characters to matching backgrounds. This week was all about learning how to use the grow and shrink blocks to change the appearance of their characters (otherwise known as ‘sprites.’) They also were introduced to connecting code blocks like starting blocks that allow them to activate their coding sequence in various ways ie; ‘START ON TAP,’ ‘START ON BUMP’ or ‘START ON GREEN FLAG.’
We’ve begun our painting unit in art and wow what talented students we have here at St Pats so eager to learn new techniques and think outside the square! All of our painting projects will take a number of lessons and we can wait to show off our finished products as well reflect on the journey and process. Keep your eyes peeled over the next few weeks for some spectacular paintings!
In Italian, students in F-2 have been learning about weather in winter (Che tempo fa d’inverno?). They have been practising using three responses: fa freddo (it’s cold), piove (it’s raining) and nevica (it’s snowing). Students have been participating in songs and movement and crafty activities to complement their learning.
Years 3-4 have begun creating their weather key rings and will bring them home soon to share with families. Years 5-6 have made some terrific slides using their I Pads on months and seasons in Australia and Italy. Students will be creating a book titled: Le Stagione Come, Le Stagione Go (Seasons Come and Seasons Go). Well Done everyone on their terrific efforts in Italian lessons.
We have been kicking goals in Week 3 and 4 this term. The students have been working on their kicking technique and accuracy. As we are coming up to AFL finals the students are keen to build their skills. The 5/6 class had a great time having a mini game against each other.
The students had an amazing day for our Mini St Patrick’s Olympics on Tuesday! Everyone showed great sportsmanship and had a red hot go! The day began with an opening ceremony as the students passed the touch around Throughout the day they competed in events such as fencing, gar gar ball and hula hooping. Congratulations to the winning Swiss as they won 26 medals throughout the day, although they were closely followed by the USA with 25 medals. It was great seeing everyone cheer for each other and try something new!
Important Upcoming Events:
16th August: Waranga Athletics Carnival
20th August: Sports Colours Day