Art, Music, PE & STEM

In The Artroom


This week we commenced an artist study of Edvard Munch. We had deep discussions based on his two artworks “Separation” and “the Scream”. Students communicated their ideas and critiques about the artworks and shared ideas on the meaning of the artworks with the artist’s use of colour, tone, line and expressionism. 


Grade Prep, 1s and 2s created their own painting of a person with a shocked expression. They then used watercolour paint and straws to create the hair. 


Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6s used printed emojis as their character’s face with the shocked expression. They then worked with a partner or by themselves to draw a relevant background and colour using paints, pastels, pencils and/or crayons. Students then shared their artwork and told the story of their pictures individually.


Art club is on a Tuesday, at middle bell. This week was gr 5/6, next week will be gr ½.


Gr 4s commenced art extension workshops this week with Ms Brown. They were painting MDF penguins for display in the library.


Gr 3 art extension will be completing their spray painting picture when the weather isn’t so wet and windy as they have to work outside.


Artist of the week awards go to:

  • Sylvie Thomas
  • Fatima Madiha
  • Nyah Ham

Well done to everyone on an outstanding week of Art!

Ms Brown

Art Specialist


Last week in STEM, Grades Prep to 4 explored coding and Scratch Junior on the iPads.

Grade 5/6 finished their Volcanoes Mini-Booklets and then had some time on Scratch. 


This week, Preps explored the seasons and drew pictures about each season.

Grade 1/2s pretended to be weather reporters, using key vocabulary and symbols to describe the weather in three locations.

Grade 3/4s explored the difference between weathering and erosion and made predictions what would occur when a piece of chalk was placed in water and vinegar. 

Grade 5/6s made stop motion animations for volcanic eruptions on the iPads.  


Week 6 STEM certificates go to: Esmeray Akkurt and Zara Bergmark. 


Mr Nolan

STEM Specialist Teacher