School Success Starts with Attendance

Community Engagement
Community Engagement Callout
We are reaching out to our school community to invite any families who run small businesses to participate in an exciting opportunity.
If you operate a coffee truck, ice cream van, food truck, or any other relevant business, we would love to hear from you!
We are in the process of planning events and activities that involve our local community businesses, and we believe this could be a fantastic opportunity for further developing our community engagement.
If you are interested or would like more information about how you can get involved, please contact us
Active Travel Updates
Reducing Road Congestion
We are so excited to announce that our Kiss and Go station is officially open.
You may have noticed that the pink lines were painted last week. This week, you should have received the flyer outlining how the kiss-and-go station is to be used.
We are very lucky to have this area to safely drop off and pick up. Please ensure you are using it correctly so that it will continue to help reduce traffic congestion around our school.
Active Travel-to-School Day
In week 8, we will once again have an active travel-to-school day. This event will be held on Friday, September 6th. Please start brainstorming how you can actively travel to school. Remember, part of the way is just as good as the whole way, as it will still reduce the number of cars trying to park around our school at drop-off and pick-up times.
To help make this day be possible, we would like to recognise and thank our contributors;
Fruits of the Meadows
Shop 26A 1/23 Central Ave, Altona Meadows
The South Corner Cafe
11 Wedge Street South, Werribee
E-Scooter Safety and Legal Use for Students
As e-scooters become more popular, it’s important for parents and students to be aware of the legal requirements for riding them in Victoria. Please note that most students at our school are under 16, which means they do not meet the legal age requirement for riding e-scooters.
To ride an e-scooter legally in Victoria, riders must:
- Be at least 16 years old.
- Ride on shared-use paths or roads with a speed limit of up to 60km/h, not on footpaths.
- Always wear a helmet.
- Keep speeds under 20km/h.
- Avoid using mobile phones while riding.
- Not carry any passengers.
We encourage all parents to discuss these rules with their children to ensure their safety and compliance with the law. Let’s work together to keep our community safe!
Attendance Reminders
School is Better When You’re Here!
Regular school attendance is crucial for your child's success, both now and in the future. Did you know that missing just one day of school every fortnight can add up to four weeks of missed classes in a year? Over the course of their education from Foundation to Year 12, that equals 1.5 years of missed schooling!
Why Attendance Matters
Being at school every day is important for many reasons. Beyond learning subjects like Maths and English, your child is also developing essential life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and independence. Regular attendance helps children interact with friends and teachers, which supports both academic and social growth. Missing school can mean missing out on class discussions, the chance to ask questions, and opportunities to practice new skills.
Research shows that students who attend school regularly achieve better outcomes later in life. They are more likely to secure good jobs, earn higher incomes, and enjoy better health. Your child’s presence at school today lays the foundation for a successful future.
Reporting an Absence
If your child needs to be absent, it’s important to notify the school as soon as possible. Absences should be reported within three days, and if you know in advance that your child will be away, try to inform the school beforehand. Please note that not all reasons for absence are considered valid. Acceptable reasons include illness or significant events such as a funeral. However, taking time off for birthdays, shopping, or family holidays during the school term is discouraged. Even medical appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours whenever possible.
To do this, log their absence on XUNO or send an email to
Keeping us informed helps us provide the best support for your child’s educational journey. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
What Your Child Misses When Absent
When your child is absent, they miss out on much more than just lessons. They miss valuable class discussions, interactions with peers, and the chance to receive help from teachers. Frequent absences can also impact your child’s social connections and friendships, potentially leading to feelings of isolation.
Support for Attendance Challenges
We understand that sometimes, getting to school can be difficult. Whether it’s due to feeling overwhelmed by schoolwork, issues with friends, or other personal challenges, there are strategies and support available to help.
Encourage your child to:
- Pack their school bag the night before.
- Have a set bedtime and morning routine.
- Leave technology out of the bedroom at night.
- Plan to meet a friend to travel to school together.
If your child is experiencing more serious difficulties, such as feeling unsafe at school or dealing with anxiety, please reach out. Many people are here to help, including trusted teachers, school counsellors, and well-being coordinators. Additionally, resources like Kids Matter, Youth Beyond Blue, Headspace, Reach Out, and the Kids Helpline are available to offer support.
Remember, Every Day Counts!
Encourage your child to attend school every day. Their future is brighter when they are here, learning, growing, and connecting with their school community. Let’s work together to ensure your child gets the most out of their education!