Year Three

Dear Year Three Community,
It has been an exciting fortnight in Year Three and we are on the home stretch for End of Term Three. Our students have been deeply engaged in their learning journey.
In Reading, we have been working on synthesising. The skill of synthesising involves combining insights from various sources to form a coherent understanding or new perspective. Students read a variety of texts to help better analyse complex topics, draw meaningful connections and present well-rounded arguments. Through this process, they also clarified words and phrases they did not understand, using their prior knowledge from Reciprocal Teaching in Reading.
In Writing, students have enjoyed continuing on with their learning in letter writing. Students used the mentor text, “The Day The Crayons Quit” as inspiration to write to one of the crayons. Additionally, we have been focusing on grammar and punctuation, commencing with capital letters and full stops.
In Maths, we have been working on location/mapping. Students have been investigating maps using coordinates, as well as creating their own map based off directions from our school to the local swim school, which we will be going to in Week 10.
In Inquiry, students have been exploring the Central Idea “Understanding forces can help design effective machines” through the lens of ‘How The World Works’. Students have creating wonderings based off of Provocation activities, as well as understanding what certain terms mean including force, push, pull, gravity and friction.
-Our Intensive Swimming Program is in Week Ten, two weeks away. Please ensure your child has appropriate gear to bring for that week.
-Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPads to school every day.
-Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
-Although it is not compulsory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch this term, they are still welcome to wear hats on sunny days.
-Please make sure all the student absences are recorded on Xuno.
Kind Regards,
Year Three Teaching Team