Year Two

Dear Year Two Community, 


What a jam-packed term we have had so far for Term 3, and we have a lot more still to come.  



We’ve recently embarked on an exciting new Unit of Inquiry under the Transdisciplinary Theme "How the World Works. Our provocation day was a resounding success, with students enthusiastically exploring the characteristics and uses of various everyday materials. Their task was to create something that could float, build a supporting structure, and protect a dinosaur from getting wet. The creativity they displayed was truly enjoyable to witness! 

We unpacked our Central Idea, "Properties of materials define their uses," and have begun delving into lines of inquiry exploring the origins, properties, and uses of these materials. As students have continued to inquire and wonder about the materials they explored, they have asked thoughtful questions about their characteristics and functions. These inquiries will guide their learning throughout this unit.  



In Reading, Year 2 students have been exploring critiquing. They have had the opportunity to compare stories using a venn diagram allowing them to note the similarities and differences with the stories. As a class we explored the Three Little Pigs as well as the True Story of the Three Little Pigs comparing the character of the Wolf in both stories. The 

students guided the discussion that the wolf was mean in the traditional story as he wanted to eat the pigs, however in the second story students discussed the Wolf was nice because all he wanted was a cup of sugar to bake a cake. The students explored different versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears comparing Goldilocks and the Bears in these various stories.


In our recent writing workshops, students have been exploring the concept of writing with purpose. We've been delving into the various reasons why we write, from informing and explaining to entertaining and persuading. This understanding has laid the foundation for our current focus: writing information reports. Students are learning how to research topics, organise their findings, and present their knowledge clearly and effectively. It's been exciting to see them apply these skills to create informative and well-structured reports!   


In Mathematics, Year 2 students have been learning about the relationship between Multiplication and Division. They have been using multiple strategies to solve their problems, these have included; groups of, skip counting, repetitive addition and subtraction. The students have gained an understanding of the factors of Multiplication can be solved by skip counting as well as a clearer knowledge of groups of. Division problems have been solved using repeated subtraction and sharing into equal groups, this has allowed students to further their understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division. Students had the opportunity to complete Multiplications problems this week and found it an exciting way to learn.

Stay and Play Postponed 

As stated in a previous newsletter edition our Year 2 Stay and Play was to be held on September the 12th, unfortunately we will be postponing our Stay and Play until Term 4. We know a lot of students and parents are excited, we will confirm the date as soon as possible.  


Important Dates: 

Monday 9th September- Friday 13th September- Scholastic Book Fair 

Friday 20th September- Last Day of Term 3, Colour Run 

Monday 7th October- First Day of Term 4 



  • Students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day filled with their take-home reading books, diary, and homework book.
  • Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPad to school every day. 
  • Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
  • Students should be reading a minimum of 10 minutes nightly and recording it in their reading diary. 
  • If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.