Book Week Wrap Up

Who let the dogs out?! We had a barking mad time on Thursday with plenty of Dalmatians that still have their fur intact and extremely excited students in superb costumes. It is and always will be the best day of the school calendar year. Everyone was enthusiastic and donned some fine clothing for the event. A huge thank you to the APS community and every one of our special friends that showed up.
The crowd was the biggest crowd in the history of a book parade, and we know why don’t we? Because it is the best day of the year! Another exciting part of Book Week was the book donations to our fabulous, fast-growing, and fun place to read - the library. All the books are being added to the system and a special message is in each front cover. Once again, a ginormous thanks to all that found a book off their own shelf to bring, popped into a book shop or grabbed a book from their siblings' collection. So far, the book count is at 346 and still rising.
If you were still keen to drop a book in, we are always accepting. The Premiers’ Reading Challenge is ending on the 6th September. Keep up the reading and add those books to your name.
TLAT have been enjoying reading everyone’s book reviews and sharing certificates with our keen bookworms. Alphington Primary School have read a total number of 1152 books and the numbers keep rising each day.
Happy Reading Folks!
Cruella DeVille
PS ........ A beautiful morning tea was set up for the staff on Thursday.
Thank You Cruella......... from all your Dalmations...........