Senior School

Old Scholars’ Memorial Grant for Year 11 Tuition 2025
Applications for the Old Scholars’ Memorial Grant are now open. The Grant is open to current students, continuing on to Year 11, who have an alumni connection in the previous generations (e.g. parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc). There is one grant of $4,000 towards Year 11 fees in Term 1 2025 for a student who is academically sound, an active participant in the life of the School and strong in service. Applications can be submitted online by Monday 28 October at 4pm.
For more information please contact Adam Chambers.
The 2024 Service Quiz Night
Friday 30 August at The Farrall Centre | 6.30pm for 7pm start
The Senior Stewardship Committee and Staff Service Coordinators warmly invite you to the 2024 Service Quiz Night.
The night will include the special guest quiz master John Xintalevonis, snacks, drinks to purchase, captivating questions, high class entertainment and an assortment of irresistible items to win or bid for as part of our silent auction.
All proceeds will be donated to Friends of Refugee Communities Tasmania (FORCT). So, why not come along and make a difference, all whilst enjoying a spectacular night? Gather some friends and make up a table.
To book a seat or a table please click here.
Year 7-12 House Aquatics Carnival
Friday 16 August | Hobart Aquatic Centre
The Year 7-12 Carnival will be held at the Hobart Aquatic Centre on Friday 16 August from 8.35am – 3.30pm. Students make their own way to the Aquatic centre and are to arrive no later than 8.35am and sign in to their House area – U H M R from the change room end of the 50m pool. Students are to wear their sports uniform to and from the pool. Parents are warmly invited to attend. Further information may be viewed here
The latest edition of the Friends’ School Careers and Pathways Newsletter is out now.
This edition includes the following features;
• Monash Visit to Friends’
• Melb Uni Visit Friends’
• 10 Jobs for Sporty People
Take a look at the whole thing HERE
Year 11 IB Diploma Core Days
The second set of IB Diploma Core Days for Year 11 will occur from 12-15 August. An overview is below and additional details of each day will be shared with families through Operoo.
Monday 12 August & Tuesday 13 August
Students will take part in a blended programme whereby they will be engaging in some timetabled classes, Extended Essay sessions (EE) and the Collaborative Science Project which is addressing the two UN Sustainable Development Goals that specifically relate to water.
Wednesday 14 August
The Theory of Knowledge day will focus upon the intersection of Indigenous Knowledge, The Arts and History as Areas of Knowledge.
Thursday 15 August
The Creativity, Activity & Service Day will see students undertake a range of service experiences with either the Young Migrant Education Programme or Colony 47.
FINAL DAY TO ENTER! Amnesty Battle of the Bands
Thursday 29 August
Registration closes on Friday 9 August. So, grab your instrument, form your band, and sign up now using the form here: Registration Form.
For more information or any enquiries, feel free to reach out to any member of our Music Staff and get ready for a night of fantastic music and friendly competition at the Amnesty Battle of the Bands!
Senior School Office
Please note that the School Office contact details for Years 9 to 12 are as follows:
Phone: 6210 2255
Important Dates
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar