Primary School

Our next assembly will take place on Monday 12 August in The Farrall Centre commencing at 2.15pm. We welcome families to attend. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.
Lockdown Drill | Wednesday 14 August 2024 | Argyle Street Campus
In caring for our community, The Friends’ School places our community health, safety and wellbeing paramount. As part of ensuring our health and safety procedures are tested, developed and effective, we are conducting a practice lockdown drill on the Argyle Street Campus on Wednesday 14 August at 2.15pm. A lockdown, as noted in the School’s Emergency procedures, is identified as a Code Black and is called by the Principal, Deputy Principal or Heads of School. A lockdown is a response to an active threat situation where staff, student or campus visitor safety is threatened.
Thank you for supporting the School during this practice drill.
More information has been sent to families this afternoon.
Father's Day Movie
Tuesday 3 September - 5pm to 6.30pm | The Farrall Centre
All students and their families are warmly invited to our Father's Day event to celebrate their Dad, Guardian, Grandparent or special family friend. This is a free event and is accessible to all students and their families. This year we will be offering a viewing of the Dreambuilders, along with complimentary ice cream and popcorn treats.
For more information email Emma Gilligan
Co-curricular Photo Day
Thursday 22 August
Primary students will have their co-curricular group photos taken during the school day on Thursday 22 August in The Farrall Centre. Students should wear their appropriate uniform to school, or bring it to change into if their usual Thursday uniform is different. For information about which groups will have photos taken, at what time and what to wear please see this schedule.
Kindergarten Earthcare Excursions - Lenah Valley
Thursdays until 19 September
Kindergarten students will again be visiting a site near the Lenah Valley Linear Park for their Earthcare Excursions, going out each week, on Thursdays, from Weeks 2-9. We will travel to and from the site by bus leaving school at 11.50am and returning by 2.45pm. Collection time for all children will be at 3.00pm from the Kindergarten area, at the end of the Kindergarten day as per usual.
On Earthcare days, the children come ready for active learning, in their sports uniform. Your child will need appropriate warm clothing for the forecasted weather and spare clothing packed for the excursions as we will be playing outdoors, even if it is raining. The school has special wet weather jackets and overpants that the children will wear as necessary, depending on the forecasted weather. You can also support your child by encouraging them to carry their own bags to and from school - they will be doing this independently on our Earthcare Days too. Please pack a rubbish free lunch with plenty of food and water for an active day out. We are looking forward to seeing how their natural curiosity and wonder is expressed while we are there and what we can learn about the land we live on as we come to know a place slowly across these weekly visits.
Year 5 Physical Education Excursion to Swisherr Hoops
Monday 12 August
Year 5 students will be travelling to Swisherr Hoops in Melville Street for a basketball session on Monday 12 August (depart school 11.45am, return to school 1.30pm)
If you have any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.
Year 3 - Outdoor Education Excursion - Hobart Rivulet
Friday 9 August
On Friday 9 August, Year 3 students will be going on an Outdoor Education excursion to explore the history and changing landscape surrounding the Hobart Rivulet. Parts of the journey will be on foot, other parts will be on a bus. Year 3 class teachers will accompany their classes with Emily (Outdoor Education Teacher). We will depart school at 9.30am and return to school by approximately 3.00pm. Students should wear sports uniforms on this day, but will need to bring a warm jumper or coat/jacket, beanie, gloves and a waterproof raincoat as it could be very cold. As we will be away from school for most of the day, students will need to bring a large packed lunch (no lunch orders), snacks and drink from home as well as any required medications for the day. Please ensure your child’s Operoo details are up to date.
Years 5 and 6 Growing Up Program
Monday 12 - Wednesday 14 August
Growing Up – a relationships, sexuality and protective behaviours program, will be run by Family Planning Tasmania starting on Monday 12 August. For information about talking to your child about relationships, sexuality and puberty see this publication from the Department of Health. By clicking on the link below, parents will be able to access information about their child/children’s program as well as ask any questions via the Parent and Carer Contact form. The Growing Up Program (GUP) for Parents/Carers - Family Planning Tasmania. There will also be a Parent Information Session in the Primary School Library at 8.30am on Monday 12 August for those who would like to attend.
Year 5 Excursion - Port Arthur
Thursday 15 August - starting at 7.40am
On Thursday 15 August, Year 5 students will be travelling to the Port Arthur Historic Site for a full day’s excursion as part of their inquiry into how “Recognising bias helps form a balanced understanding of history”.
Students will travel in two large coaches with seatbelts, departing school at 7.45am and returning to school at approx 4.30pm. The extended day is necessary to ensure students get to make the most of their day. Students need to meet in the driveway at the drive through by 7.40am to allow for a prompt departure. Students must be signed out by parents with their class teacher at the end of the day, unless alternative arrangements have been made prior to the day. Full sports uniform is to be worn for easy identification and comfort. All students will need to bring their own backpack, containing a raincoat and their morning tea, lunch, afternoon snack and water bottle. Students are to carry their own asthma medication in their backpacks and other medications should be held by the classroom teacher.
Students will be spending a long time on the bus, please provide any travel sickness medication that your child requires to their teacher before departure.
As the excursion is outside the Greater Hobart area approval is required for your child to attend. Please respond to this Operoo form by Friday 9 August.
Year 2 Outdoor Education Excursion - Waterworks Reserve
Friday 16 August
Year 2 will be heading to Waterworks Reserve by bus with their class teachers and Outdoor Education Teacher, Emily Ardas. Students will be exploring animal adaptations, primarily through the study of animal scatt. We will be departing at 9.15am returning back to school by 3.00pm. Students should wear sports uniforms on this day, but will need to bring a warm jumper or coat/jacket, beanie, gloves and a waterproof raincoat as it could be very cold. As we will be away from school for most of the day, students will need to bring a large packed lunch (no lunch orders), snacks and drink from home as well as any required medications for the day. Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.
Year 4 Outdoor Education Excursion - Seven Mile Beach
23 and 26 August
Year 4E and Monday 26 August Year 4D will be going on an Outdoor Education day with their class teachers and Outdoor Education Teacher, Emily Ardas. The day's focus will be on climate and the impacts it has on the coast and its species. The bus will be departing at 9.00am returning back to school by 3.00pm. We will begin at Seven Mile beach where the class will explore the coastline and then walk over the headland to Roches Beach/Lauderdale and compare the different coastal environments.
Students need to come dressed in their sports uniform, including a warm jacket, beanie, and waterproof raincoat and comfortable shoes to walk in. They should bring a big lunch and lots of snacks (no lunch orders), a full water bottle and any required personal medications (labelled) for the day. We will be returning to school at the end of the school day. Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar