Parents' and Friends' Association (PFA)

St Leonards Newsletter - PFA Page



The PFA wish to thank all of our wonderful parents that assisted us to plan, set up and serve on the day.  We greatly appreciate the help to make these special days happen for our children and our families.


Also a big thank you to Chef Skills catering for providing the delicious breakfast for our Dad’s and special persons.


Please email us at to help at any of our upcoming events.  We would love to meet more of you while working together to provide experiences for our children and raise money for our school.


Upcoming Events:


Our annual Footy Hotdog lunch 

is almost here ! 


Please use the following link to order your child’s lunch. 


Please note the cut off date ! 


We really wish to avoid disappointment for our children and families however our volunteers cannot change or add to orders after the cut off date. 


Orders close on FRIDAY 13th OF SEPTEMBER


Late orders CANNOT be accepted.




SWEET TREATS RAFFLE – Only 2 weeks left !


Next PFA Meeting:


Date: Wednesday 11th of September at 6pm 

in the staff room.


Please contact the PFA if you would like to join 

our next meeting.


Our PFA 2024 Class Representatives are:


Prep ASia Roussos & Terri Abeysekera
Prep BSarah Koh 
1 / 2 CJanina Pereira Mok
1 / 2 DLisa Alizzi
1 / 2 EJoanne Saulys
3 / 4 FVerina Pang 
3 / 4 GErica Madgin & Julie Moretti 
3 / 4 HLara Akinsanya
5 / 6 ISetareh Jafari
5 / 6 JMandy Hjorth
5 / 6 LManj Senn & Silvia Miracola


Have a great week ahead everyone!