Learning in 5/6I 

with Mrs Sedony & Mrs Brophy

Adaptations- Inquiry Topic.

The 5/6’s have been learning about adaptations in our inquiry unit this term. We began our learning about this topic with an excursion to Werribee Zoo.  Specifically, we have been investigating what types of adaptations there are and what they look like.  We have learnt that adaptations are features  that change in animals and plants so they can survive in an environment. 

There are three types of adaptations. Behavioural, physiological and structural adaptations are all different. Structural adaptations are the physical adaptations or features. This includes features like body coverings or body parts changing. For example, ducks have webbed feet to help them swim or float. Animals that live in cold areas have thick fur coats to keep them warm.

Physiological adaptations are when the chemicals, cells and processes inside of a living creature or plant change.  For example a spider produces chemicals to create a sticky web.

Behavioural adaptations include communicating and hibernation. For example, if a coyote howls, another one is bound to howl back. 

So far, the 5/6s's are enjoying this topic! It's always fun to learn why everything is the way it is and why things work the way they work!


by Thinuli

5/6I Werribee Zoo - Adaptations


Confirmation 2024


The Year 6 students have been diligently preparing for their upcoming Confirmation ceremony, scheduled to take place on September 17th. They have been demonstrating great dedication and commitment by participating in various activities and workshops to ensure they are fully prepared for this important event. 


Recently, the students participated in a workshop on August 20th during week 6. The workshop was well-attended, with the students being accompanied by their parent(s) who joined them in this significant phase of their spiritual journey. This workshop provided valuable guidance as they continue to grow in their faith and understanding of the sacrament of Confirmation. 


Looking ahead, there are more activities planned as part of the confirmation preparation at school, including the 'Confirmation Student Reflection Day' which the students are eagerly anticipating. 


The support and involvement of their parents and the school community continue to play a special role in ensuring that the students are well-prepared and spiritually supported as they approach this milestone in their faith journey.


by Charlotte and Isaac



Camp Rumbug

On August 26th, we went to Camp Rumbug. The group was divided into six groups, each under the supervision of a different instructor and teacher. Mornings were typically spent at a sheltered area known as 'the pool house,' where all participants from grades 5 and 6 gathered before meals and evening activities. Sophie, one of the camp leaders, would regularly brief us on the day's schedule during these sessions. The experience at camp was delightful for all students.

On Monday, after we had all settled into our cabins, our group went out to bushcraft and canoeing. In bushcraft, we learnt how to make a shelter out of sticks, a rope and a tarp. Our instructor, Jacob, taught us how to make a figure 8 knot which we then used to learn how to make a raft. After Bushcraft, we went to canoeing where we learnt how to canoe in a small lake with 2-3 people in our canoe. Then we had some downtime in our cabins and after that, we went on a night walk where we played some fun games.

On Tuesday, after we woke up we went to breakfast, we had beans on toast with hashbrowns. Straight after breakfast, we had our activities first up we the mud run and raft building. In the mud run, we jumped in muddy puddles and went through obstacles, for rafting we built a barrel, rope and logs. After our activities, we had baked potatoes.  In the afternoon we had more activities like the Team Challenge and Flying Fox.  Dinner was butter chicken and desert was apple crumble.  It was delicious.  We were all tired from the long day of fun activities and surprisingly went to sleep quickly.  The teachers were very happy.

We woke up on Wednesday sad to be leaving but excited to be seeing our families again.  The day greeted us with wild weather and we finished our last activities in light rain which was good for building our resilience.  

Our favourite activities were canoeing, the mud run, the giant swing and the flying fox. We all had an amazing time at camp and we made many long-lasting memories. 


by Ciara, Alessia, Connor and Sera