Discovery Centre
Hello Foundation families,
We have had another incredible week with such rich learning. In Maths we looked at Direction and Location. We made Track and Field maps and directed an Ozobot around. We used keywords such as "forwards" and "backwards" to instruct our friends to different parts of the map. We also used our keywords to play Battleship and directed teddies around a soccer pitch.
We have officially kicked off our narrative unit and are starting to learn to write stories. This week we wrote stories about a chosen character. Check out some stories written by FT students.
One silly day, there was a big dinosaur and a tiny witch. They lived in the jungle. Oh no! The witch nearly got eaten by the dinosaur! Lucky the witch ran back. The witch felt good.
Once upon a time, there was a dragon. Oh no, "I lost my food" said Dino. Then Dino sent his friend the butterfly to help. Luckily he found more and more food and then ate more and more food.
One sunny day a person named Amy and a mouse called Creepy went to candy land. Oh no! They don't have any food. Luckily they looked up and they saw a tasty chocolate river.
One sunny day there was a bunny and a tiny tiny mouse called Scary. Oh no! Scary got eaten by a big big dinosaur. Luckily the big big dinosaur did a big sneeze and the rabbit and the mouse lived happily ever after.
Have a wonderful afternoon,
Tegan, Emma and Ashley
- Curriculum Day 26th of August
- Father's Day Stall- 30th of August (Please bring money labelled in envelope)
- Great Book Swap- Wednesday 4th of September
Pupil of the Week
FC - Winston L
For demonstrating confidence and enthusiasm when writing your narrative piece this week.
FE - Xing S
For demonstrating perseverance and creativity when writing your own narrative. It was impressive to see you use interesting words such as 'catastrophe'.
FT - Freddy L
For demonstrating a love of learning in every aspect of your day. You are showing so much growth and dedication towards your reading and writing and challenging yourself in maths.