Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang


Wow! What an amazing week we have had. Can you believe there are only 4 more weeks of school until holidays? This term is absolutely flying!


Indonesian Day last Thursday was a blast. Students and teachers dressed up and participated in Indonesian activities. A lot of fun was had by all. 


In Maths this week we have been exploring time and reading an analogue clock. Early in the week, we began investigating different time vocabulary and ways of showing analogue and digital time. A highlight was becoming illustrators and authors of our own class book inspired by the book ‘From Dusk till Dawn.’ 


We have been making text to self-connections in Reading focusing on all the things that are the same and that are different in the books we read. This helps our comprehension and understanding of what we read. 


We hope you have a great weekend!

Emma, Suzie, Miss Shaye, Amanda, Miss Emmett, Kate and Mrs Seadon.


Student Voice

"I am good at Maths. I need help with handwriting. I am unique. I am me" - Liam D 1/2E

"I like the hand plan in writing because it helps me remember all 5 I need for a narrative!" - Julia R 1/2E 

"I don't like the hand plan and I prefer the flow map model because I know the 5 parts of a narrative." - Jack U 1/2E 

"I am Heather the Voilet Fairy!" - Olivia 1/2E   


  • If you could please send in a box of tissues with your child, these get used throughout the year by their class.
  • Your child should be bringing home levelled reading texts each night. If this is not happening, please contact your classroom teacher.
  • The Premiers Reading Challenge ends on the 8th of September so there is only a few more weeks to complete it.
  • We have our Great Book Swap on Wednesday 4th of September (Week 8). If you have any pre-loved books in excellent condition that you would be happy to donate, please bring them up to the tubs placed at the office by Friday 23rd August.
  • Monday 26th August is a Curriculum Day. We hope you have a lovely long weekend.
  • The Father's Day stall is on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th August. 
  • Friday 6th September is our Open Morning. You are welcome to come into your child's classroom between 9am - 9.45am.

Pupil of the week

1/2A - Elsie M

For demonstrating a love of learning when creating your own page for our class book "From Dawn to Dusk". You drew an amazing picture, included both digital and analog times and wrote a wonderful sentence to match.


1/2M - Rubani S

For showing a love of learning when planning your story in Writing this week. You worked hard to add in your characters, setting, beginning, middle and end. 


1/2S - Viru H

For doing an amazing job on your weekend recount this week. You worked really hard to ensure you were using your best handwriting and reread your work to make sure it made sense!


1/2KS - Bridget T

For your amazing effort when writing. You are trying so hard to listen to feedback and improve your work. 


1/2E - Jonah A 

For persevering in Reading lessons and making progress when reading aloud fluently.