Independence Centre
BEEP BEEP It's the Magic School Bus!
This week we travelled all around Australia as apart of our Guided Inquiry unit where students used their devices to research and create fact files and postcards about different landmarks. Landmarks included the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef. We also embedded Mathematics into the unit through exploring 3D nets and finding the area, perimeter and volume of our landmarks.
Written by 3/4W
Have a great week!
Brooke, Ros, Meg, Sam, Kathy and Katrina
- Camp permissions are open on Sentral, please take a moment to check if you have responded to this.
- We would be very appreciative of any tissue box donations.
- Major upcoming events are Book Week and Footy Colours Day.
- ICE preferences due Monday 19th August.
We have our Great Book Swap on Wednesday 4th of September (Week 8). If you have any pre-loved books in excellent condition that you would be happy to donate, please bring them up to the tubs placed at the office by Friday 23rd August.
Pupil of the Week
3/4RM - Lucky B
For identifying and analysing parts of speech and reorganising sentence structure.
3/4B - Elsie B
For demonstrating confidence and creativity to identify and describe visual techniques that impact the salience of a picture book.
3/4W - Harrison C
For demonstrating creativity and curiosity when continuing on your Guided Inquiry project.
3/4S - Elsa F
For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when researching, drawing and creating your Australian map.
3/4K - Pil R
For demonstrating a love of learning through his excellent participation in our discussions about visual techniques.