Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang,


Spring is almost in the air and Week Six has absolutely flown by! We have had an action packed week full of Book Week activities, Hoop Time and of course Tournament of the Minds! On Saturday, It was very impressive to see so many of our students attend and compete in the Tournament of the Minds competition held at Deakin University. They demonstrated a great deal of independence, teamwork, perseverance, and a love of learning over the term to prepare for the competition. In addition, Thursday saw many students head to the Dandenong Basketball Stadium, where they took part in the Hooptime basketball day. It was great to see so many students representing our school and demonstrating all of our school values! Lastly, on Friday we had the school Book Week parade and activities, it was unreal to see that so much effort had gone into many of the outfits, and it was great to celebrate the impact that books have on us.

Over the week, we have also been busy learning about multiplication and division through our mathematics activities. In doing so, we have played several challenging games and undertaken open-ended problem-solving lessons! In Literacy, we have continued to be blown away by the high quality of the debate scripts that are being written. Please feel free to ask your child for more details. 


Hope you all have a great week ahead! 

The 5/6 Leadership Team


  • 26/08 - Curriculum Day (Pupil Free)
  • 30/08 - I.C.E Session 1
  • Hats need to be worn from 01/09
  • Thank you to those who have brought in tissues for the class- if you can please bring in tissues that would be amazing!

We have our Great Book Swap on Wednesday 4th of September (Week 8). If you have any pre-loved books in excellent condition that you would be happy to donate, please bring them up to the tubs placed at the office by Friday 23rd August.


Student Voice

Tom 5/6N: “Tournament of the minds was very nerve racking!”

Christian 5/6N:  “I can’t wait for Hoop time, it's very exciting!”

Monica 5/6N: “I have enjoyed challenging myself in maths this week!”

Saumya 5/6N: “It was great to see all of our hard work come to life at Tournament of the Minds!”

Pupil of the Week

5/6C - Amber S

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when working on your artefacts for Guided Inquiry.


5/6S - Aser D

For demonstrating a love of learning and teamwork while working collaboratively with your team during debates.


5/6FL - John Paul G

For demonstrating curiosity and enthusiasm when plotting your grid to create an image. 


5/6E - Alma L

For reflecting thoughtfully on the strengths and values involved in building and maintaining friendships in Wellbeing.


5/6N - Emily F

Well done on challenging yourself and using your love of learning when creating a persuasive piece of writing!