Upcoming Events

Term Dates & Events for 2024
Term 2: 15th April to 28th June
23rd May- Monash Cross Country
4th June - Junior Sport (Yr7 - Yr8)
10th June - Kings Birthday (Public Holiday)
18th June - Year 7 Immunisations
28th June - Last Day of Term 2
Term 3: 15th July to 20th September
15th July - First day of Term 3
23rd July - Staff Professional Learning (Pupil Free Day)
6th August - Year 10 Immunisations
13th August to 17th August - School Production - Little Shop of Horrors
22nd August - Intermediate Sport (Yr9 - Yr10)
27th August - Music Concert (Yr7 - Yr8)
29th August - Learning Conferences
5th September - Monash Athletics
11th September - Junior Sport (Yr7 - Yr8)
20th September - Last Day of Term 3
Term 4: 7th October to 20th December
5th November - Melbourne Cup (Public Holiday)