Parents & Friends

Social Events

Hand Knitting

Congratulations to the ladies that tried their “hand” at the Hand Knitting class on Monday.

These colours and design look beautiful and how creative of one lady to turn hers into a countertop fruit basket. A little research found these bags retailing on Etsy between $50-$75. We are so pleased to offer these types of experiences to our community for a fraction of the cost.


Paint and Sip

Stay tuned for some photos of our masterpieces next week ...


The activities P&F organise are open to all members of our Milgate P.S Community for those wishing to try something new and enjoy some social interactions with others.


More social events are being scheduled throughout the year.

The Parents and Friends (P & F) Association plays an integral role in coordinating activities and events for the children, parents and carers of our wonderful school community.  We rely on the involvement of volunteers like you in making these fun, enriching and educational experiences happen.


Volunteering is a great way to build new connections, foster relationships and make a meaningful impact on this fabulous school. If you have special skills or passions, would like to become a P & F Association committee member, can donate to our fundraisers or would simply like to meet some new friendly faces, we would love to hear from you! 


Please complete the ‘Volunteer Register’ form below. 


Milgate Primary School warmly welcomes anyone to lend a helping hand, no matter your prior experience or how much time you can offer. We are extremely grateful for your support and dedication.

Volunteer Register Form | Parents and Friends

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle                  

Milgate P.S have been given an opportunity to raise some money within the wider local community via a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. We are seeking a group of individuals to lend a helping hand at our sausage sizzle event at Bunnings Doncaster on Monday, June 10th (King's Birthday)


If you're eager to be part of a fun and rewarding experience, sign up now via

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Volunteer Sign Up


Your support will ensure the success of this event and contribute to our school. Let's come together and sizzle up some excitement! 


Please note: if there are no coordinators or enough volunteers, this event will not take place.

Our next P&F Meeting will be next Monday 20th May @9am in the conference room. Everyone is welcome.


P&F Meeting Dates, held at 9:00 am

Monday 20/5Conference room
Friday 14/6Conference room
Friday 16/8Conference room
Monday 9/9Conference room
Friday 18/10Conference room
Monday 25/11(AGM)Conference room

We value the input of our school community. If you have feedback or ideas you wish to share, please contact the P&F Association using our Contact and Suggestion form Parents & Friends Association Suggestion Form


School-related feedback will not be forwarded on to the school and should be sent directly to