What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | Marco -For trying very hard during your learning this week to focus and Follow Directions by Listening to the Speaker. Great effort, Marco! |
FAM | Chloe - For being a responsible and respectful member of Foundation AM and always following the Agreed Ways. Keep it up Chloe! |
FAP | Bailey - For using clever addition strategies to solve two and three digit problems. Brilliant Bailey! |
1/2 VS | Isabel - For being a wonderful self-manager who is always organised and focused on learning! Keep up the great effort, marvellous Isabel! |
1/2VB | Benjamin -For demonstrating hard work and resilience by challenging yourself with extension questions in tasksthis week. You are awesome! |
1/2VK | Jude - For demonstrating your Love of Learning, especially during writing. You wrote a wonderful reflection. Well done, you superstar! |
3/4SH | Ariana -For being a great mathematician, self-manager and resilient worker. You always try your hardest. Well done Ariana! Maria -For consistently trying her hardest each week in maths and not being afraid to share her ideas. Keep up the great work Maria! |
3/4BP | Felix -For demonstrating exceptional self-manager skills and being a proactive learner who strives to do everything to his absolute best. Fabulous Felix! |
5/6MC | Anthony -For being an outstanding leader at all times while in the classroom and outside in the yard. He has been a great role model to his peers and younger students, well done Anthony! |
5/6BZ | Makayla -For being a curious thinker and responsible learner in 5/6BZ. We appreciate everything you do. Marvelous Makayla! |
5/6OS | Max -For being a conscientious learner who takes initiative and is a supportive and kind member of our class. Magnificent Max |
Maths | Congratulations to Lillian - For all your great work with addition. You had the highest score in Year 2 for your assessment and you are able to add money easily. Congratulations Lilly, keep up the great work! Congratulations to Yiannis -For all your great work with addition of money. You have made amazing growth with your addition work. Congratulations Yiannis keep up the great work! |
Last week we hit another milestone at 60 days of Foundation! Some of us are learning how to count the days in different ways such as starting from different numbers and counting by 1s or counting by 10s all the way to 60!
Last Wednesday at 12 noon, the whole school participated in National Simultaneous Storytime 2024. We joined one million children from all over Australia, as they listened to the story “Bowerbird Blues” by Aura Parker. Each year schools are invited to join in the reading of a chosen book. What a wonderful way to foster a love of reading at all ages! Copies of the book will be put into the library for students to borrow in the coming weeks.
This week, as inquirers, we met Ben from ‘Reptile Encounters’ who helped us find out about different reptiles and living things. We had the time of our lives being researchers, as we met Sheryl the stick insect, Kermit and Freddo the tree frogs, Popcorn the shingleback lizard, Leonardo the turtle, Tobias the python and Bobby the freshwater crocodile, and explored what they do and what they eat. We were so brave when it came to interacting with the animals and insects and patting and describing them. We also discovered so much information about our visitors such as…
- Frogs eat with their eyes
- Turtles breathe out of their bottom
- Frilled neck lizards run on their back legs
- Stick insects lay 1000 eggs
- Freshwater crocodiles have 66 teeth that sit outside their mouths
We will continue to find out more about living things and the different things they need to live in our environment over the coming weeks.
As members of a Catholic Faith community, we have been engaging in learning opportunities about Family Week. In Foundation, we have been exploring what a family is and what makes a family special. Some of us have described a family as people who love each other, people who live together and people who hug each other when they are sad. As thinkers we have thought about the different people in our families, where our families are from and what we like to do together as a family. As a whole school, we attended a special Family Week Mass last Friday and we have continued this celebration with Walk to School Day and by engaging in a special shared experience with our siblings at St Fidelis to create a Family Shield.
Please remember to encourage your child to return their library books and bags by Thursday each week, so that new books can be borrowed each Friday.
We can’t wait for the week ahead!
Kind regards,
Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips and Alycia Marsico
Foundation Team
YEAR 1/2
It has been yet another busy week of learning in the Year 1/2 learning spaces! We are making lots of new discoveries in different areas of learning!
As writers, we have continued to write a sizzling start for the beginning of a narrative that we will continue throughout the term. Together in triads, we had time and opportunity to collaborate with others by taking turns to share our ideas and doing our fair share. On a piece of paper, we drew a picture of our setting and characters for our story. We also named each of the characters. It was then time for us to choose what type of sizzling start we were going to use, for example, action, dialogue or onomatopoeia. We created a draft copy that we were able to edit together with our teacher before writing a good copy. We took our plan and sizzling starts to STEM and discussed how we could make our stories come to life! Mr Frazetto shared his expertise on using lego and imagery to create a stop motion video. After some exploration, some of us had time to build a setting and characters using lego pieces. Whilst others had time to use the chrome books and find images on google then paste these into sides share. These images were printed and will be ready to use for our video next week. It is going to be super exciting to see how this unfolds throughout the term! Stay tuned…
As inquirers, we have been sorting out our thinking and engaging in discussions with our peers to identify how our thinking about our big question (How do things change over time?) has changed. We have engaged in discussion with our peers to share our discoveries and to make an overall generalisation about change. As thinkers we will extend our thinking further by identifying things that we are still curious about. We will share wonderings which we will still have and will be provided with time and opportunity to research throughout the remainder of the term. This will allow us to develop the skills of a researcher.
As collaborators, we had the opportunity to engage in a Family Week activity. Together with our siblings or independently we got to make a family shield for our family. We decorated our shield with our family name and things that represented our culture. This was a great opportunity for us to celebrate our families! Family Week is an important time to celebrate family connections and diversity in our wonderful learning community!
We would also like to acknowledge all of the hard work that 1/2VB put in for their assembly. The children were reverent, well rehearsed and confident and they read and sang beautifully. Some of the other teachers were even saying that they might have done a better job than the 5/6s who have been doing it for years! We are very proud of them!
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis
1/2 Team
YEAR 3/4
As readers and writers, we have been learning how to identify the difference between fact and opinion, find relevant information in texts and summarise information in our own words. These skills have helped us become skillful researchers when gathering information for our biography writing.
As mathematicians, we are learning to calculate the perimeter and area of shapes. We found out that the perimeter is the distance around the shape and the area is the space inside the shape. We have been using a variety of tools to help us learn these concepts. We created a chicken coop using square tiles and used our chromebooks to digitally create an image to calculate the perimeter and area. GB
As a school community, we celebrated a special Family Week assembly hosted by 1/2VB. After this, we engaged in a learning opportunity with our siblings across the whole school. We had so much fun being with our brothers and sisters.
Home learning expectations
The year 3/4 teachers have been noticing that some children are not engaging in the home learning tasks that are sent home every fortnight. The purpose of home learning is to consolidate what is being taught and learnt at school, which can then be embedded further at home with assistance from parents. Parents, we ask that you encourage your child to complete the learning opportunities we spend time on to create for your child.
Upcoming Assembly
Please join us in celebrating National Reconciliation Week on Friday 31st May from 9am in the hall. Year 3/4BP will be hosting a special prayer and assembly.
Have a lovely week!
Year 3/4 Teachers,
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
YEAR 5/6
Wow, we had a very busy and exciting week last week!
As mathematical thinkers, we engaged in creating our names in unifix blocks. Then students traced these in their books and measured the perimeter of their names. Students had to navigate different sides of their letters to measure and calculate the perimeter. You may like to challenge your child by measuring the perimeter of an object at home!
On Wednesday, the Year 6 students engaged in a full day retreat in preparation for their Confirmation this Sunday. They began their day with a short liturgy altogether and then began creating Mosaic Cross.
After recess, students had time and opportunity to write a letter to their sponsor for their confirmation day. They were then treated to a Hot Dog lunch and a cookie before they gathered to listen to our guest speaker Ian Vergal. He revisited the importance of the Renewal of the Baptisimal promise, the laying of the hands & anointing of chrism and linking this to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He also made links to and connections with Maria Ford's workshop which we engaged in on Tuesday night.
The Year 5/6 Students welcomed Bishop Terry Curtin in preparation for the Year 6s upcoming Confirmation. He spoke with us about the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit and what these mean to us during our time of Confirmation. He shared some insights of what the ceremony will look like and how they are to act during the ceremony.
On Friday, as a way of finishing up Family Week, we engaged in working together with other Family members in the St Fidelis Learning Community. As a way of working together, students engaged in creating a Family Shield. It was so great to see so many happy faces of children from the SLA with their younger siblings!
We look forward to seeing our Year 6 parents and students on Sunday at 3pm for confirmation. We hope you have a lovely week!
The ear 5/6 Team,
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut