Hello, from Carolyn.
Respect, responsibility and kindness
Hello, from Carolyn.
Respect, responsibility and kindness
Hello everyone,
School Council.
School Council recently elected our 2024 office bearers. Congratulations to-
President: Michelle Baker
Vice President: Jess White
Treasurer: Vipul Patel
Secretary: Craig Wallace.
Our other parent members on School Council are- Robyn Matthews, Brooke Bennett, Lorelle Hickson. Staff member reps are Kim Kirkpatrick and myself.
If you have something that you would like discussed at a school council meeting, or something positive about our school you would like to let School Council know about, you can approach any of our school councillors and ask them to add it to our agenda.
Uniform expectations.
Thank you for your quick response and support of my request last week about no hoodies at school. It has been a real pleasure this week seeing our students arriving at school in correct uniform, thank you all.
Student Free Day Tuesday 11th June.
A reminder that we have a student free day on Tuesday 11th June as staff will be working on student mid year reports.
We aim to have mid year reports available on Sentral on Monday 17th June so keep an eye on your notifications.
Before the end of term we will also be making time for Parent/teacher meetings to discuss the mid year reports. Again, the notification that bookings are open will come via Sentral early in June.
Our expected behaviours at Bendigo PS.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Warm regards,
School banking details.
Bendigo Violet Street Primary
BSB: 033-688
Account number: 93-1292
Payment reference: use your surname and fees.