Middle Years

Pop Art

In art this term, our classes learned about a very unique type of artwork called Pop Art. We learned all about what makes Pop Art unique and some of the most famous Pop artists as well. 


Pop Art is an art movement that started in the 1950s and became really famous in the 1960s. It started in Britain and America and then spread across the world. Young artists felt that what they were taught at art school and what they saw in museums did not have anything to do with their lives or the things they saw around them every day. So, they decided to get inspiration from popular products, people, and music, which is why it is now known as Pop Art. Pop Art is all about creating images of well-known and popular things and then using bright, contrasting colours that make the art 'pop'.


In HaSS last term, the year 4s in our classes learned about some of the different environments from around our world. We discovered lots of really cool facts about the different continents and some of the natural features that can be found in each of them. 


To show our learning, we had to do an inquiry project on a well-known natural feature from around the world. There were certain questions we had to investigate, and then we learned how to create posters on Google Slides to show what we had discovered.