From the Leadership Team

Dear GPS community,


As we round the halfway mark of term two I hope you find the information within this newsletter useful and informative. It has been a busy term so far at GPS with so much to be proud of and celebrate as a school community.


Teachers are currently working hard putting together mid-year reports for students. These reports are an opportunity to reflect on half a year of learning for each child at the school and set goals for further learning and development throughout the second half of the year.


It is important that as we continue to work in partnership with families, we provide summarised information that demonstrates every child’s achievement so far and also identifies potential areas for growth. 


This year we have altered our reporting structure to create individual reports for children that are succinct and personalised. The school has recently begun using the Learning Management System (LMS), Sentral. A key part of this platform is the generation of individual reports. Whilst the fundamental structure of the reports remains the same as per government requirements, the detail within the reports will have some changes and we feel, improvements. 


Family log-ins are currently being created and you will receive an email in the weeks to follow providing you with instructions on how to access Sentral.


I take the opportunity to thank our teachers for the time and effort that is put into assessing and reporting on each child’s progress. 


Kind regards



COVID-19 testing and isolating requirements

As we have seen a spike in COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses this term, we wish to update you on the current advice from SA Health and the Department for Education on COVID-19 protocols.


If your child develops COVID-19 symptoms, they should undertake a rapid antigen test (RAT). If the result is positive you must inform us immediately by filling in a COVID-19 Positive Notification form on the Audiri app. If your child has symptoms they should stay at home until they are well, even if they test negative.


Children who have tested positive for COVID-19 can return to school once their acute symptoms have cleared (usually 5-7 days). This is regardless of whether another member of their household is an active positive COVID-19 case.


See SA Health advice on ‘What to do if I have COVID-19’ for further guidance. 

Lost property

The lost property cupboard is overflowing! We have now returned all labelled items to their owners, however, we still have lots of jumpers and jackets that are not labelled. If your child is missing anything, please check in the cupboard in the front office.

2024 school fees reminder

Thank you to everyone who has paid their school fees for 2024. This is a reminder that fees were due to be paid in full by the end of term 1 (Friday, 12 April). If your school fees are outstanding, urgent action is now required.  Payment on the Qkr! app is still available.  


If you believe you are eligible for School Card, please submit your application online as a matter of urgency.


If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact our Finance team.