Macedon and Mt Macedon Landcare Group

Macedon and Mount Macedon Landcare were delighted to share planting days over the past few weeks with Macedon Primary School students. The grade 4s and 5s put their gloves on, rolled up their sleeves and dug into some very hard soil to plant out over 300 grasses and shrubs along railway creek to support the efforts in regenerating the riparian area at Tony Clarke reserve. The students learnt the importance of making sure the plants were “tucked” in well so none of the roots were exposed to air. How to protect them from rabbits and kangaroos having a snack by placing guards around them, no hands and fingers were hurt in the process, those mallets were heavy! They also learnt about some of the animals that lived in our creeks such as wild fish and platypus which need this important habitat to call home. Hopefully in a few years time with the effort from the students and community we may someday see platypus in our waterways once again.
If you’d like to find out more about the plants and habitat in the area and the works we are doing reach out to us at or follow us on facebook to see the latest news and events at mmmlandcare.
Andrew Sundblom
Macedon and Mt Macedon Landcare Group