Parents and Friends Association

Macedon Primary School Parents’ & Friends Association – Calling for members
We are pleased to announce that the first official Macedon Primary School Parents and Friends Association will be formed.
Although the MPS PFA has been running school events for many years, recently the Macedon Primary School Parents’ & Friends Association (PFA) submitted an application to the Education Department to officially establish the group in line with a recommendation from the Department of Education's requirements for the establishment, operation and support of all school parents’ clubs. The application was successful and the Macedon Primary School’s Parent’s & Friends Association constitution was approved by the Minister.
Essentially a Parents’ & Friends Association is run by parents at the school with the aim of building a positive community and school spirit, fundraising for important projects & improvements to the school, the planning and running of school events and representing the voice of parents and the local community by facilitating communication between parents, friends and the school.
We encourage any parents that would like to participate in becoming a member of the MPS Parents’& Friends Association to please fill out the attached registration form and email it to or alternatively paper copies are available at the office to be filled out and they can be handed in there.
We would really love it if there would be a parent from every classroom come forward so that we can have contact point & voice for every year level.
The MPS Parents’& Friends Association will meet twice a term at 9:15am in the JCB.
Along with the usual school events that have happened in prior years we are gearing up for our 150 Years of Macedon Primary celebration next year and with more members we can make these types of events bigger and better at Macedon Primary School.
Registrations Close Friday 28th June 2024 (last day of Term 2)