Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at next week's assembly, on the 14th of June. Assemblies are now every two weeks from this term, they will still be held at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB)
FKH - Jack C - for his positive attitude towards all class activities.
FSI - Margot C - for her amazing effort with her writing and attempting unknown words.
1/2CD - Rupert L - for always working to extend his learning.
1/2TT - Oskar M - for awesome effort in all areas of his learning.
1/2TT - Bonnie C - for working really hard on improving her writing.
3/4HC - Xavier W - displaying determination with his reading! Fabulous! Keep it up.
3/4HC - Ava W - Her striving and commitment to achieve her best in all areas of her learning. Wonderful!
3/4HC - Oliver M - displaying determination and consistent effort in class. Keep up the fabulous work!
3/4MS - Eloise M - for adding interesting adverbs and adjectives to her writing.
3/4MS - Mietta P - for sharing her 'writers voice' when writing. Well done!
5/6AB - Connor L - for excellent writing during literacy time.
5/6AB - Yuka P - for excellent academic achievements with her assessments.
5/6GP - Emily B - for excellent attention to detail in her persuasive advert.
Sports Award
Darcy S - 5/6AB - for her outrstanding effort in our soccer unit in P.E.
Got Ya's
Asher M – Hume – for helping.
Holly M – Curtin – for being a great helper in the library.
Eugenie F – Mitchell – for picking up rubbish.
Miller S – Mitchell – for picking up rubbish.