From the office

We are seeing a rise in the amount of illness in the school, if your child has been diagnosed with an infectious disesase such as Inflenza A or gastro, can you please let the office know so we can alert the classroom. Your privacy will be protected, however it is important that families are informed and can keep their children at home if they are showing symptoms.
Enrolments for 2025
We are now accepting enrolments for Foundation in 2025. If you have a child or have friends or family with a child eligible to start school next year, please ask them to contact the office for an enrolment form (there are new forms for 2025).
Spare clothing
Please pack some spare clothing for your child/ren. Especially with the cold and wet weather upon us. We have a limited amount of clothing in sick bay and cannot always give children spare clothing. If you child is excessively wet and muddy you will be contacted and asked to bring in a change of clothes.
Mobile / Smart phone use
If students need to bring a mobile phone to school, we ask that they are signed in to the office before school and collected at the end of the day. We will keep them locked here at the office. If your child wears a smart watch, please make sure they have the wifi turned off and do not make calls to you at school. If you need to get a message to your child you can call the office and we will pass on the message.
We now have a permanent EFTPOS machine in the office. If you would like to pay for excursions or school fees, we can accept all credit/debit cards.
Working With Children Checks / VITs
Would all parents please ensure their WWCC is current prior to nominating to help with activities during camps. It is a legal requirement for those assisting with child activities to hold a current WWCC (either volunteer or employee) OR a current VIT card (for teachers).
WWCC applications are free for volunteers and can be obtained online at
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office on 54261518 or email
Julie, Emma (Mon, Tues, Wed) & Salina (Wed, Thur, Fri)