We are a family at Sacred Heart School




Thursday 6th                Year 2 Excursion -  History (Past & Present) 

                                          (more details below)

Friday 7th                       Big Freeze (details on page 6)

Friday 7th                       Feast of Sacred Heart Mass - School's Multi-purpose room

                                          10:00am - 11:00am  'All Welcome'

Monday 10th                PUBLIC HOLIDAY - KING'S BIRTHDAY


Fri 14th - Mon 24th     Assessment Conversations

                                          Bookings made via PAM Account or contact office


Thursday 20th              (Please note change of date)

                                          Parent Eucharist/Confirmation Information Night  Families to                                                       choose one session (5pm or 7pm)

                                          Held at the St Mary's Gathering Space


Friday 21st                     Year 1  - Responsible Pet Ownership visit (change of date)

Thursday 27th               Hot Dog Day

Thursday 27th              STUDENTS LAST DAY FOR TERM 2

                                           - School finishes at 3:15pm


Friday 28th                    SCHOOL CLOSURE - STAFF PD




Longer absences, up to 14 days can be entered in to your PAM account under ‘Multi-Day entry’ or feel free to contact the Front office (Ph: 52 315292) if your need assistance.


If a student is going to be away for a period longer than two weeks, a signed note or 

email: (office@shcolac.catholic.edu.au) is required stating the dates of absence. Administration staff will enter these dates in to your child/ren attendance records.

Year 2 Excursion - Colac History Excursion 

As part of our Inquiry Unit on ‘Past and Present’,  the Yr 2 classes will visit the Colac Historical Society this Thursday 6th of June  


We plan to walk along Murray Street to look at some of the older buildings and include a visit to the RSL and the War Memorial in the Square. Children will be supervised by teachers and Learning Support Officers (LSO's).  We will leave school at 11:30am by bus and arrive back at school in time for lunch at 1:30pm. 


Children will need to wear comfortable walking shoes and waterproof coat/jacket in case of wet weather.

Year 2 Team - Raffie Borgia, Fran Miles & Paul Maddern


Scholastic Book Club Catalogues were sent out last week.

Please place your orders no later than Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Please use online method, NO CASH ACCEPTED.

There will be spare catalogues in the office.

Any queries, please contact me on - Ph: 0418 178 784

 Thanks, Simone Hay, Scholastic Coordinator


Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating

 their birthdays this week.

Joshua Crabbe, Eddrick Baltan, Lottie Callahan, Jenny Yang, 

Ava Harding & Leroy Westlake