Before & After School Care

Take the survey to let us know what you need

Do you need Before and After School Care?Then Please respond to this survey.

Please click the link and fill it in, we need to know what your needs are or what you think you might need in the near future to be able to provide this important service.


As most families would be aware, one challenge for our school is not having before and after school care. This has been a core focus of mine to find the right supplier. With our smaller numbers, a number of providers would not engage with us, however, we have interest from an outstanding provider who works at many small and big schools in the local area. Their after school program in particular, which is called stay and play, provides an outstanding opportunity not only for supervision, but for enjoyment and skill development. The costs can be subsidised through rebates and OSH Club would assist this. You do not need a Health Care Card to access these subsidies. According to OSH Club Website, where you can get the full details: 


On average, our families here at OSHClub pay around $3.28* and less $5* out of pocket for our Before School and After School Programs respectively.


I have been advised that based on our figures we have access to this, the number would likely be around $3 a session.  This is outstanding value and the benefit is it will all happen at our school. 


If you have any interest in this, please fill out the survey attached. There is no commitment involved from the survey, just a general interest to ensure that the club has enough interest. I have spoken to a number of families already, and it looks like we will have adequate numbers, however, this survey is critical. 



Please click the link and fill it in.