Student Safety

Deputy Principal - Students

Riding Bikes To and From School 

As we are all aware, traffic congestion, road and rail works and limited parking has made the daily ride to school just that little bit more difficult. 


Recently, we have received an increase in reports from the public about our students riding dangerously through the streets of Mentone and Parkdale. Students are tending to focus on trying to avoid the congestion and to get where they are going as quickly as possible rather than riding safely and sharing the roads and footpaths.


We have received reports of students riding recklessly, cutting off traffic, narrowly missing pedestrians, riding without a suitable helmet and placing themselves and others in danger. This behavior is unsafe and unacceptable. Please help us keep our students safe on the road by speaking to your children about safety and security regarding cycling. 


Also in the interests of security, we ask that students carefully lock their bike in the appropriate area and not to leave their bike at the College overnight. Bike security is a growing concern and the College is currently assisting local Police with their investigation regarding a number of stolen bikes that had been left at the College overnight. An intruder was captured on College CCTV and this footage has been provided to Police. 


Despite signs in the storage areas reminding students, expensive bikes are often left at school over night and on weekends, many unlocked. Please remind your son to bring his bike home each day.


Mark Jones 

Deputy Principal - Students