Religious Education

First Communion
On Tuesday evening at 5pm & 6:30pm mass in St Patrick's Church, students from Grade 3 & 4 received the Sacrament of First Communion.
I would like to sincerely thank all the students for their hard work in preparing through their classroom learning, attending their Committment Mass, Retreat day, practices in the Church, talks with Fr Justin and Fr Andrew, receiving Reconciliation again and participating in their Family Faith Sharing Afternoon. What a busy term it has been! Thank you especially to the Grade 3 teachers Mrs Daidone, Mrs Pearson and Mrs Hossack who have been helping with the admin in the background, attending out of hours events in the Sacramental program, delivering lessons, communicating with families and supporting students in their learning and faith journey. A special mention to Mrs Earle and the choir for rehearsing and delighting us with the choir at mass, Mr Alan Cook our Parish organist, our Grade 6 altar servers Jacob Stoppa and Jayden Joseph, Fr Justin, Fr Andrew, Majorie our Parish sacristan, Mr Berlingeri, Mrs Diakrousis, the Office staff and all staff who attended to show their support on the evening and pray for our students. The students will receive their certificates at the upcoming school assembly.
First Reconciliation
Congratulations to the following students who received their First Reconciliation on Thursday 30th May at St Patrick's Church with Fr Justin: Marley Manuel (4MS), Georgia Brereton (3IM), Milla Antunes (3IM) and Starry Jax (3FH). Joined by myself, Mr Berlingeri, Mrs Diakrousis, their families, Godparents and friends, it was a reverent and peace-filled afternoon. These students are new to our community this year and in preparation to receive First Communion this term, they have been preparing since term 1 through the Parish Sunday Sacramental Program. Well done for investing their time and effort in learning and praying to help them receive the Sacrament. Last Monday at assembly they received their certificates in front of the whole school to celebrate the occassion. May it be the first of many that continues to deepen their relationship with Christ and be another Christ in the world, with a heart full of mercy and love.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Unpacking the Scriptures
A parable is a metaphor - a story with a message that Jesus tells to teach a lesson. God wants us to think hard and reflect on our lives. Many of Jesus’ followers were farmers so the stories he told them were easy for the to understand. We can understand them too when we look at nature. The first parable talks about a seed that is thrown on the ground and almost magically grows overnight. The planter was sleeping so he didn’t see what was happening but it still grew. This can be the same for our spiritual life, sometimes we don’t see God working in our lives because we are asleep or distracted but he is still there.
The second is the mustard seed. It takes time to develop its trunk and branches but from a tiny speck becomes a great tree. God works similary in our lives with small things that we do, such as prayer, helping others, showin forgiveness and kindness that brings about His Kingdom on earth. Though the mustard tree generally grows 9-12ft, it has a wide expanse and provides a nesting place for birds. Just as the tree welcomes the birds, so is God’s kingdom welcoming and open to many.
Family Connection
The Church refers to the family as the “domestic church.” This is both compliment and a call to commitment. A family is a community formed in love and dedicated to the spiritual growth of it's members - in short, it is a miniature version of the Kingdom of God on earth! Many things we do within the family seem insignificant, they are routine, ordinary and attract little attention. However they show our love, committment and concern for one another. According to this Sunday's parable, it’s the little things that bring great growth, acting as significant contributions to building God’s Kingdom on earth. The growth of the mustard seed illustrates the nature and the fruits of a strong faith.
Gather together, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel Mark 14:12-16;22-26.Discuss how you as a family witness simple acts of love to one another. Take it further and reflect on how you do that outside your family to your friends, colleagues, neighbours, strangers you meet, etc. Remember that the Kingdom of God begins within the family but must be lived throughout the world. Pray together the Lord's prayer, pausing breifly on the words "thy kingdom come".
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and for ever.
India Mitchell-Fletcher
Religious Education Leader