

Staff's Student of the Week - 24/05/2024

Congratulations Holly for showing initiative in class to complete her work independently.

Happy Birthday Holly!!

Student's Student of the Week - 24/05/2024 

Congratulations Valerie for wearing her correct uniform everyday


Bronze Award - 24/05/2024


Happy Birthday Holly



Staff's Student of the Week - 31/05/2024

Congratulations Leroy for helping younger students with patience and care


Student's Student of the Week - 31/05/2024 

Well done to our 2 recipients of this weeks Student's Student award.

Lindsay Ham for being a good friend and helping people when they are having a hard time and for wearing his uniform with pride

Chanse Gibson for all round helper and supporting friend



Bronze Awards - 31/05/2024


Aussie of the Month - Forgiveness

Well done to Evie-Lee for receiving the Aussie of the month for May.  This month the value was Forgiveness.

Forgiveness means letting go of hard feelings like anger, sadness, or frustration that happen when you or someone else makes a mistake. It’s saying “Thank you” or “That’s okay” when someone apologises and not staying upset about what they did. ​​It’s having patience with yourself and others, and recognising that no one is perfect—everyone makes mistakes.  It’s letting go of hurt feelings, and moving ahead, ready to do things.​​

It doesn’t mean that all of a sudden what someone did doesn’t hurt or isn’t wrong. It means that you find it in your heart to give the person another chance.​