From the CAPA Faculty

Year 12 goes above and beyond
Students in year 12 have been working tirelessly on their Body of Work as part of their year 12 major work.
Every Wednesday students are provided with additional time and support to seek feedback and work on their pieces.
Students are experimenting with many art forms and they are progressing quite well. We look forward to finished artworks in weeks to come.
Amy Shannon
Visual Arts Teacher
Year 8 Adviser
Year 8 gets creative
This semester, students in the Year 8 elective, Street Art, have been exploring different styles of street art to create their own graffiti style artwork on a skate deck or other objects. The images show Rafael working on his guitar.
Katie Buchhorn
Visual Arts Teacher
Gearing up for Hairspray
Year 8 That’s Show Business Innovation Elective have been working on their Musical Theatre production of “Hairspray”.
The students have been working hard collaborating and creating a fun and engaging performance ready to present to staff and students in Week 10. Students have choreographed their own dance and are in the process of making their own props and learning the lines of the script.
The students are all eager to input their ideas and are enthusiastic to develop their dance and acting skills.
Alyssa McRae-Taylor
PDHPE/Dance Teacher
Year 12 is now one step closer
Year 12 VET Entertainment students were assessed on their Vision and Audio skills. Students worked collaboratively, using a mix of sound and visual projection equipment to emulate a mock fashion show and had a lot of fun doing so.
The course provides students with hands-on real life experiences working in the Entertainment Industry.
They are now one step closer to their qualification.
Aaron Peacock
Music/VET Entertainment Teacher
House Leadership Coordinator
Stage 5 shines brightly...
On Monday the 13th of May, Cecil Hills High School's talented musicians showcased their Rock Music performances. Each performance was a reflection of our students’ hard work and dedication to their craft, and the CAPA faculty are so proud!
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the families and friends who contributed to the evening’s success. We appreciate your support and your role in fostering a love for music in these young musicians.
Special thanks to Mr Peacock and Mr Lecca for hosting the night and helping our students out throughout the performances.
Crystal Bai
Music Teacher
Stage 6 just as bright...
On Monday, the 27th of May delivered us a chilly evening. Even so, our talented musicians in Year 11 and 12 delivered us a wonderful performance evening.
It was a time to showcase their continuous hard work and dedication; our Year 11s performing rock songs and Year 12s performing their HSC pieces. And of course, we always thank the families and friends who support our seniors. We appreciate the families who foster a love for music and the friends who never fail to show up to cheer their friends on.
A big thanks to Ms Bai for hosting the night alongside myself and assisting our students with their performances. And, an honorary mention to Ms Li Donni and Mrs Lord for attending.
Andrew Faga
Head Teacher CAPA
Year 10 channels inner Renaissance masters
This semester, Year 10 Visual Arts students were tasked with photographing and drawing their self-portraits, inspired by Renaissance artists.
Throughout the process, students engaged in research, brainstorming, and experimentation. Dramatic lighting was crucial in developing chiaroscuro techniques and tonal rendering in their stunning art works.
Connie Mandalakoudis
Visual Arts Teacher
Year 7 self-reflects
Year 7 Art students have been learning about portraiture and how to use mixed media and different painting techniques to create their own self portraits.
Students enjoyed learning about different painting and drawing techniques and how to apply these techniques learnt to create art that is personal to them. They have done a great job!
Wendy Lopez
Visual Arts Teacher
Orange Class get artsy
This semester in Special Education, SE_Orange Art class have been working together to create two Bernadette Twomey inspired artworks. They have learnt about shapes, line, colour, and texture and how to use these principles of art to create vibrant and colourful floral artworks.
Here are the two artworks ready to be submitted to Operation Art (an art initiative of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and NSW DET). Their goal is to celebrate creative achievement by representing a variety of students in the most equitable and accessible way possible.
Wendy Lopez
Visual Arts Teacher