It takes a village...

Partners in learning
Week 5 marks the halfway point of Term 2 and it is at this time we invite you to our upcoming Parent-Teacher Nights. These evenings are crucial aspects of your child's educational journey, providing valuable insights into their progress and fostering collaboration between home and school. In preparation for our upcoming Parent Teacher Evenings and the release of Semester 1 reports, I wanted to share some information with you about assessment and reporting at Cecil Hills High School.
Understanding Assessment and Reporting
Assessment is a continuous process that helps us understand your child's learning progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. Some of our key assessment methods include:
- Formative Assessments: These are ongoing assessments that take place during the learning process. They include quizzes, classwork, and observations that help teachers identify areas where students may need additional support.
- Summative Assessments: These occur at the end of a learning period and evaluate what students have learned. Examples include end-of-term exams, projects, assignments and tests such as NAPLAN.
- Self and Peer Assessments: Encouraging students to evaluate their own and each other’s work helps develop critical thinking and self-reflection skills.
Reports will be sent home twice a year, providing a comprehensive overview of your child's academic performance, including grades, teacher comments, and areas for growth. These reports are designed to give you a clear picture of how your child is progressing and where they may need additional support. Reports will also include patterns of attendance, including late arrivals.
Upcoming Parent-Teacher Nights
Our upcoming Parent-Teacher Nights are scheduled for:
- Year 10-12: Tuesday, 4th of June 2024, 3:15 pm - 7:00 pm
- Year 7-9: Tuesday, 2nd of July 2024, 3:15 pm - 7:00 pm
Parent-Teacher Nights are an excellent opportunity to:
- Discuss your child’s progress: Meet one-on-one with teachers to discuss your child's achievements and areas where they can improve.
- Set goals: Collaborate with teachers to set realistic goals for your child's academic and personal development.
- Address concerns: Share any concerns you may have about your child's education and work together to find solutions.
To ensure a productive meeting, we encourage you to prepare by reviewing your child’s recent academic report and noting any questions or concerns you may have. Translation services will be available on the night to assist you if required.
How to Schedule Your Appointment
To schedule your appointment, please visit the Sentral Parent Portal and use the online booking system. If you require assistance, please contact our office on 9822 1430.
Bookings for our Year 7, 8 & 9 Parent Teacher Interviews open on 24 June 2024.
Working Together for Your Child’s Success
We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is key to your child’s success. Regular communication and collaboration with teachers will help ensure that your child receives the support they need to connect, succeed and thrive.
We look forward to seeing you at our Parent-Teacher Nights and discussing how we can work together to support your child’s educational journey.
Build update
If you haven't driven past or visited the school recently you’d be surprised to see the progress that has been made on our new facilities. A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to venture into the worksite of Building R and the Gym and took a few photos to share with you.
As part of our Anzac Day Ceremony that was held during Week 1 of this term we were lucky to have special guest, Mr Bradley Hulls, address our students about the importance of Anzac Day, courage, resilience, and mateship. Mr Hulls also donated an Australian Flag that is assisting our Support Unit staff to demonstrate flag protocols to our students. Thank you for your kind donation, Mr Hulls.
We look forward to seeing you at our Parent-Teacher Nights and discussing how we can work together to support your child’s educational journey.
Andrew King