Important Dates & Events

Athletics Carnival date has been rescheduled to Thursday, 19th June.

Wednesday, 12th MarchNAPLAN Starts (Yrs 3 & 5), NAPLAN Writing
Monday, 17th MarchSt Patrick’s Day
Wednesday, 19th MarchSt Joseph’s Day Mass TBC
Monday, 24th MarchNAPLAN ends, Wii Gaay Learning Hub 1 starts
Tuesday, 25th MarchCross Country @ Cook Oval (until approx. 11:30 am, bus back to school)
Wednesday, 26th MarchCross Country @ Cook Oval (backup)
Friday, 28th MarchWii Gaay Learning Hub 1 ends
Friday, 4th AprilACS Cross Country @ Barraba
Friday, 11th AprilHoly Week Liturgy @ school, Term 1 ends
Sunday, 13th AprilPalm Sunday
Friday, 18th AprilGood Friday
Friday, 25th AprilANZAC Day
Monday, 28th AprilTerm 2 starts
Tuesday, 29th AprilANZAC Day Liturgy 10:30 am @ school
Tuesday, 6th MayMother’s Day Celebration TBC, Mother’s Day Mass @ 9:30 am TBC
Wednesday, 7th MayLake Keepit Excursion (Stage 2) starts
Thursday, 8th MayLake Keepit Excursion (Stage 2) ends
Friday, 9th MaySchool Photo Day
Sunday, 11th MayMother’s Day
Friday, 16th MayACS Primary Touch Trials @ Tamworth
Sunday, 25th MayMary Help of Christian Mass TBC
Monday, 26th MayCatholic Schools Week starts
Thursday, 29th MayAscension of the Lord Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew’s Church TBC
Friday, 30th MayCatholic Schools Week ends, ACS Primary Gary McSweeney Memorial Cup & Rugby Union trials @ Tamworth
Wednesday 4th JuneSacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) 6 pm @ St Andrew’s Church
Monday, 9th JuneSchool Closure Day (King’s Birthday Holiday)
Thursday, 19th JuneAthletics Carnival @ Cook Oval (all-day)
Friday, 20th JuneAthletics Carnival Awards Presentation @ 2:30 pm
Thursday, 3rd JulyAthletics Carnival @ Cook Oval (backup)
Monday, 21st JulySchool Closure Day (Staff Development Day)
Tuesday, 22nd JulyTerm 3 starts
Friday, 25th JulyACS Primary Toni Palmer Memorial Shield @ Inverell
Thursday, 7th AugustACS Primary Athletics Carnival @ Tamworth
Friday, 8th AugustSt Mary MacKillop Mass @ 2 pm
Monday, 11th AugustCanberra Excursion starts
Friday, 15th AugustCanberra Excursion ends, Assumption of Mary Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew’s Church TBC
Friday, 22nd AugustBook Week Celebrations TBC
Friday, 5th SeptemberFather’s Day Celebrations TBC, Father’s Day Liturgy 2:15 pm @ school
Sunday, 14th SeptemberSacrament of First Holy Communion 10 am @ St Andrew’s Church
Monday, 15th SeptemberSchool Closure Day (Staff Development Day)
Tuesday, 23rd SeptemberACS Primary Netball & Soccer Gala Day @ Tamworth
Friday, 26th SeptemberTerm 3 ends
Monday, 13th OctoberSchool Closure Day (Staff Development Day)
Tuesday, 14th OctoberTerm 4 starts
Friday, 31st OctoberACS Primary Touch Gala Day @ Inverell
Sunday, 9th NovemberSacrament of Confirmation 10 am @ St Andrew’s Catholic Church
Tuesday, 11th NovemberRemembrance Day Liturgy 10:40 am @ school
Friday, 28th NovemberSt Andrew’s Feast Day Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew’s Church TBC
Friday, 5th DecemberACS Primary Basketball & Tennis Trials, Crazy Colour Day TBC
Monday, 8th DecemberImmaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Mass 9:30 am @ St Andrew’s Church TBC
Thursday, 11th DecemberEnd of Year Presentation TBC
Friday, 12th DecemberSchool Closure Day (Staff Development Day)
Monday, 15th DecemberEnd of Year Mass 9:30 am @ St Andrew’s Church TBC
Wednesday, 17th DecemberTerm 4 ends

Please note that any of the above dates are subject to change.


Newsletters are released twice a term on a Friday in Week 6 and Week 11 (Term 1) and Week 5 and 10 (Terms 2-4)


Canteen will be held each Wednesday (unless stated otherwise above)