Creative, Determined, Curious, Collaborative, Proactive, Self Aware
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep B | Lila | Creative | You always take your time and are so careful with every arts and crafts project we do. Your attention to detail and creativity make each piece you create truly special. Keep up the fantastic work! |
Prep V | Elliott | Determined | For his enthusiastic approach to learning new letters and sounds. Your excitement and determination that you show when meeting Milo the Monkey’s friends has helped solidify your letter-sound knowledge. Well done Elliott! |
Junior A | Rory | Creative | For your incredible efforts during our Maths Problem Solving session. You were super focused to understand what the question was asking and did a fantastic job at trying different strategies until you found the answers. Well done Rory! Keep up the great work.
Junior G | Charlie | Proactive | For your incredible leadership skills during our Junior Chromebook College. You were quick to share your skills with your peers and you were able work through challenges independently! Keep it up, Charlie! |
Junior B | Kabo | Curious | For your curiosity in our See, Think, Wonder task in Writing. You had lots of great ideas about what was happening in the picture and asked lots of thoughtful questions. Keep it up, Kabo! |
Middle R | Leah | Determined | For having a positive mindset to your learning even when it becomes challenging. You have shown your determination by asking for help and always having a go. |
Middle T | Jack | Proactive | Jack has settled into Year 3 tremendously well this term, setting an amazing example to others of what it means to be a Proactive Learner. He is quick to come to the floor, listens carefully to all instructions and begins all work with focus and care. Keep up the terrific work Jack! |
Middle J | Nash | Determined | For the impressive skills and determination you demonstrated when completing your magic squares in math. It was great to see you so focused on finding the correct number to fit in each square. Well done Nash and keep it up! |
Senior O | Amelia | Creative | For the creative skills you showed during writing when constructing a ‘show don’t tell’ paragraph. You used descriptive sentences in a unique way which gave the reader a clear picture of how your character was feeling. Amazing work Amelia! |
Digi Tech | Isaac | Proactive | Helping and being kind to a new class member who needed assistance with logging onto his school account and finding his way around Google Classroom and the Tinkercad website we were using. Well done Isaac, your kindness was very much noticed and appreciated. |
Visual Arts | Hudson | Creative | For his outstanding effort in our Sandra Silberzweig inspired abstract face. Hudson followed a How to Draw activity carefully and showed thought and precision with his colour application. Fantastic result Hudson and I hope you’re proud of your work. |
Performing Arts | Flynn M | Determined | For the fierce determination and commitment you displayed during our Greatest Showman movement rehearsal. It has been a joy watching you shine in Performing Arts. Keep up the amazing effort, Flynn! |
Resilient, Responsible, Respectful
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep B | Sadie | Respectful | For showing outstanding respect to others. Your kindness, manners, and thoughtful actions set a wonderful example for everyone around you! Awesome work Sadie! |
Prep V | Chiara | Responsible | For your amazing approach to your learning journey. You give everything your best effort and have a proactive attitude towards your learning. Keep it up Chiara! |
Junior A | Amelie | Resilient | Your fantastic approach to our Inquiry Scouts program. You showed great resilience during our turn taking lessons and worked hard to take on leadership roles when working in a group. Keep up the great work Amelie! |
Junior G | Oskar W | Resilient | Your incredible resilience in our writing lessons. Oskar you have worked so hard to work independently in our Colourful Semantics writing sessions, it has been fantastic to see you so engaged when creating your silly sentences. Well done Oskar! |
Junior B | Hana | Responsible | For being a responsible role model to others. You have shown kindness and care to our Year 1 students to ensure they have had a great start to their time in Juniors. You have been so helpful and always set a great example. Well done, Hana! |
Middle R | Joumana | Respectful | You are always respectful and willing to participate in class discussions and activities. I am very appreciative of how you demonstrate these skills to others and how this supports the learning environment of Middle R. |
Middle T | Peter | Respectful | Peter is a respectful student who sets a wonderful example to his peers. He is polite, helpful and caring towards his teachers and classmates. Thank you for treating people with such care and kindness! Keep it up!
Middle J | Biagio | Respectful | For the respectful attitude you demonstrate to both teachers and students alike. Your ability to lead others to do the right thing with kindness is greatly appreciated. You are a superstar and Middle J is so lucky to have you, Biagio! |
Visual Arts | Ari | Responsible | For showing a responsible and independent approach to our Georgia O’Keefe inspired flower collage. Ari listened to the instructions carefully and worked creatively to finish his piece. The final result is very successful. Well done Ari. |