Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

It always seems busy here at school. The students have been working hard and participating in many activities. As part of our Clubs sessions, students have had the opportunity to make chocolate balls with Mrs Holdsworth, and had time doing some coding with Mrs Foenander. They have thoroughly enjoyed the introduction of the Clubs sessions this term.


We are very lucky to have Mrs Holdsworth sign us up to learn more about Australian authors. This has resulted in our level receiving a backpack full of books and other resources by several authors. This week, we explored these books and learnt a little about each of the authors. Students have written a letter to their teacher, persuading them to select their preferred author to learn more about.


Bike Ed has been very exciting and everyone is enjoying learning skills about how to be safe when riding. We have also been learning about hazards and how to avoid these during some theory lessons in class time. We look forward to the bike ride at the end of term. Please remind your children that they must walk their bikes in the school yard before and after school.


Students have been busy writing and publishing their recounts about camp. It has been lovely to read what each of them enjoyed the most about this experience. Part of the focus of this writing has been presenting the work for an audience. It is wonderful to see the pride they have taken to ensure their published piece is neat and visually appealing. Please enjoy the few photos of recounts included in the photo section.


Last term, Mrs Foenander made a connection with a school in Queensland and we gave our students the opportunity to write a letter to the students in grade 3/4. As you can imagine, there was great excitement when we received letters back. Many students asked if they could write another letter, and it is lovely to see asking and answering questions about the different schools.


The SRC have worked very hard this year, fundraising for different charities and organisations. This term, they have selected Uniting’s Food For Families to donate to. In each classroom there is a box and we are asking for families to donate non-perishable items, which will be donated to families in need by the Uniting organisation. Your support is greatly appreciated.


With the Colour Run postponed last week, we are hoping that we are able to have it this Friday. If not, we will try again the following week. Keep fundraising for as long as you can.


Next week we will begin preparing for our excursion to ACMI, which had been postponed last term. Reminder Compass posts will be sent home closer to the date.


From the Level 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Sue Hartley



What We Are Learning



  • A note will be sent home shortly explaining end-of-year class parties and class KK gifts. Class parties will be held on Friday 13th December.
  • All students need to have a water bottle at school during these hot days.
  • Please name all containers, hats, jumpers etc., as we have a lot of lost items being collected in Lost Property. If it is named, we can return to the owner.
  • Please remember that students must walk their bikes in the school grounds as they arrive and leave school. Riding or using the bike as a scooter is not allowed.


Try This...

Move one matchstick to make this equation correct.


Exploring Books From Different Authors


Camp Recounts


Year 5/6 Arcade Games Day

Thank you to the families who supported this Year 5/6 fundraiser by sending students with a gold coin to vote for their favourite game. They all enjoyed playing the various games that were made by the students in 5/6.