
Year 7 Mass
On Tuesday, the Year 7 students gathered for their final Mass for the year. It is always a special time to have students and staff praying and reflecting together in the College Chapel. Thank you to Mr Royall’s Year 7 students - readers, altar servers, running of the PowerPoint – probably the most difficult job. A special thank you to our Old Boy, Anders Phan (’21) on piano and Altar Server Cael McLure for arriving early and preparing all the other Altar Servers.
Year 11 Encounter Retreat
The Year 11 cohort were bussed and walked to their respective venues to participate in the Encounter Retreat. It was a wonderful way for the boys to reflect and unpack their Christian Service experiences. Thank you to all the retreatants for being open, honest, funny and willing to share your experiences. To the Retreat Leaders, PCG staff, Mr David Allen and Fra Oscar, thank you for giving up your time to make this a special retreat experience. I sincerely thank all families for supporting all our Retreat programmes.
Kairos #68
Kairos means the Lord’s time. Please pray for all our 32 x Year 11 retreatants, 5 x Year 12 student leaders - who will be returning from Leavers, and 8 x staff who are attending the Kairos 68 Retreat on Monday 25 – Thursday, 28 November. Thank you to all parents and staff who have supported this special retreat.
Congratulations – Spencer Hathrill
On Tuesday, 29 October, Spencer Hathrill was confirmed in the Catholic Church at St Jospeh’s, Subiaco, by Rev Monsignor Kevin Long. Spencer is a kind, sincere, loving and compassionate young man who has chosen to become a Catholic. This decision was entirely his own, and he approached it with great enthusiasm and commitment. We will congratulate Spencer in front of his cohort at the Year 8 Advent Liturgy next Friday, 29 November.
From Campus Ministry
From the Ministry team, we wish all families a safe, restful, happy, healthy and blessed Christmas and festive season.
Mrs Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry