Community News

TC Wellness Dog
We are excited to announce the launch of the Dogs Connect program in our school. This is a whole school wellbeing program which will see the introduction of a wellness dog into our community. Our school Wellness Dog will become a much loved and important member of our community, and we will meet them in 2025.
Please be assured that this program will not include anyone who does not wish to be involved. We know this will have a really positive impact on many people. If you would like to know more about this program, please check out the link below.
Naming Competition
We are excited to welcome a new furry friend to our school community—meet our adorable male puppy! With his playful spirit and wagging tail, we know he'll bring joy and smiles to everyone he meets!
We need your help to name him! Click on the link below to suggest a name for our wellness dog. We would like him to have a name that is related to Trinity College.
The naming competition will close on Thursday, 28 November.
Leah Rogers
Head of Learning Support
Discover Sailing Centre
Courses for Tackers and Teens (December/January School Holidays)
We are a Discover Sailing Centre that provides a variety of on water courses. We are holding some Tackers and Teens Courses (Junior Sailing) over the December/January School holidays.
Tackers is an Australian Sailing program for 7 – 12 year olds to teach kids the basics of sailing in a safe and fun environment. Children do not require any previous sailing experience or Hillarys Yacht Club membership to participate.
All equipment is provided (including life jackets) until they move up into the Optimist Green Fleet to begin club racing. All courses are delivered by Australian Sailing qualified instructors.
Tackers Program (7 – 12 Years)
Teens Program (12+)
Contact: Kim Pring on 9246 2833