Chaplain's Spot

An Awesome Future
One of the most enjoyable and productive activities that students and I share in my office is asking each other the URStrong/Friendology questions. One of these questions relates to ‘what would make an awesome future for you?’ Another one is ‘if you had $1 million, what would you do with it?’ Sometimes I also ask, ‘if you had a magic wand to change one thing in the world, what would you change?’ It’s a similar question, just asked in a different way. Answers range from curing cancer and stopping war, to Minecraft or Roblox, buying a family house, or lollies!
All I want for Christmas is …. [complete this sentence for yourself]. You may have some of the above in your mind, perhaps excluding Minecraft or Roblox! As a Christian, I would love everyone to know that they are special and loved by God, and by those around them.
Let’s do our best to make this Christmas a significant one, where everyone with whom we interact, knows that they are special and loved.
12 Super Cute Things Kids Are Thankful For: by Rory Halperin
November 28, 2015
1. "I am thankful for food because I am always hungry." —Harrison, age 5
2. "My Legos!" —Max, age 3
3. "I'm thankful for my mom because I love her. And my Dad and my whole family." —Lila, age 3
4. "Uh...the sun outside!" —Lulu, age 2
5. "My new show PJ Masks because I like the song!" —Allie, age 4
6. "Doing a piggy back ride on Daddy." —Harlow, age 4
7. "Bananas!" —Brandt, age 4
8. "My mom's pumpkin pie. She makes it the best." —Pearce, age 8
9. "I am thankful to my mommy for letting me play iPad two times a day on the weekends" —Riv
10. "Rainbows." —Hudson, age 4
11. "I am thankful for my mom, my brothers, my cats and Minecraft." —Rylan, age 6
12. "I am thankful for mommy bringing me to her Playdates." —Cortland, age 3
Toast Tuesday: Toast Tuesday will continue until December 3rd. We run from 8.30 until the start of school. My wife Bonnie, along with parent and grandparent helpers do a wonderful job in serving our students and families.
Remember, we also have our second-hand uniform stock available for gold coin donations. Come and see us on Tuesday mornings, as well as at assembly every second Friday. Thanks to the families who have recycled un-needed uniform items for use by other families.
Christmas carols:
If you would like to attend a carols event, and are not sure where to go, you may like to consider Kilsyth South Baptist Church at 382 Liverpool Road, Kilsyth. Family activities commence from 4pm, with the Carols at 5.30.
Alan Silverwood: Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community. [Tuesday, Friday]
Contact: Feel free to email me, phone me or see me at school on my days listed below.
[] Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing.
Our Chaplaincy program is funded by the Federal Government’s ‘National Student Wellbeing Program’, the GRPS School Council and donations.