Faith Reflection

Your redemption is near at hand - Luke 21:25-28. 34-36
This week’s Gospel might initially seem like a gloomy way to begin the Advent and Christmas seasons. Instead of warm stories about Jesus in the manger, we are met with a passage where Jesus tells his disciples that the end of the world is coming. However, it’s important to step back and focus on the second part of this passage, where Jesus says: “Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen.”
Advent is a season of preparation for Jesus, and a common theme throughout the readings over the coming weeks is exactly that—preparation. We are called not to “fall asleep” but to be “wide awake.”
But what does that mean? There are a couple of ways to approach this. For early Christians, this was seen as a practical matter. They believed that since Jesus rose three days after his death, his final return—and with it, the end of the world—could happen within weeks or, at most, a few years. Therefore, being prepared at all times was vital.
Today, Christians may not expect the end of the world tomorrow morning, but the message Jesus offers remains significant. We are called to live as if it could be. After all, none of us knows when our last day will come. So, we are reminded to “carpe diem”—seize the day—or embrace the modern equivalent, “YOLO”—you only live once.
But this isn’t about curating a picture-perfect Instagram-worthy life. This Advent, we are called to help those around us with a sense of urgency—as though we are in a race against time. We are invited to be “awake,” valuing the importance of faith and Jesus in our lives, rather than relegating them to the background as something to deal with later.
The message is clear: today is the day. Every day is the day to value Jesus and to help others.
May this Advent season bring blessings to you and your family as you prepare for Christmas and “awake” to its true meaning.
Jonathan Rooney
Religious Education Leader