Grade 5 Leadership!

For the past three weeks, the Year 5 students have been working through workshops led by Mr. Kumar and Ms. Ann-Maree. These workshops focused on the qualities of a leader, how to deal with disappointment, and what makes a good speech.
Last Friday, our Year 5 students had a visit from Avila College students as part of their leadership course. The Avila students facilitated activities designed to bring out and refine leadership skills, giving our students the best chance at leadership opportunities for next year.
They shared their own leadership journeys and worked through their leadership program with the students. They also played a few games with the Year 5s, such as Extreme Rock, Paper, Scissors, and a creative challenge where students used a pipe cleaner, cotton ball, string, and a peg to invent something. Many students made interesting objects, such as a cat toy, a cheek massager, and much more! These are just some of the activities the Avila leaders conducted with our Year 5 students.
This week, our Grade 5 students are starting to write their leadership speeches. After the visit from Avila, they are well-prepared to make their speeches great. Ms Ann-Maree and Mr. Kumar have been a tremendous help by providing us with support materials, proofreading our work, and coaching us on our delivery.
We are excited to present our speeches next week!
~ Liam D'Silva (on behalf of the grade 5 students)