Principal Post

Dear Families,
Staff News
We continue to remember in our prayers and hearts our much loved staff member Liz Jackson who is very unwell at the moment. This has lead Liz to resign her position at St John Vianney's after more than 35 years. What a journey!
Each class continues to pray and we are planning to send Liz our love and best wishes through class cards. Liz' passionate commitment to education, her incredible sense of fun and humour brings life to everyone!
Over 35 years Liz has taught many students so please pass on to all those who may know Liz that their love and prayers are needed! If anyone wishes to send a card please give to the office staff and we will ensure Liz receives these.
Baby News
Our Congratulations to Violetta & Michael on the birth of Jessica, born on 15/11/2024, weighing 3.4kg, sister to James! We wish all the best with the new arrival. Violetta our Speech Pathologist is on parental leave. A replacement Speech Pathologist will begin in 2025 two days pwer week!
School Closure Day
Our final pupil free day is Friday 6th December. The staff will be using this day as part of the planning process for 2025. Thank you for your support.
Season of Advent.
Advent, a cherished season, in the Christian calendar, marks the four weeks leading up to Christmas. it is a time of anticipation and preparation, as we reflect on the coming of Jesus Christ - both as baby in Bethlehem and as the hope of the world in the future. During the season, Christians focus on themes of hope, peace, joy and love, often symbolised by lighting candles on an Advent wreath. May we find time in the busyness, to nurture a spirit of reflection, generosity and readiness to embrace the true meaning of Christmas.
Carols/ Christmas Concert
This Friday on the oval - please read information further in this newsletter!
Carols this Friday - Parents & Friends will be selling popcorn and drinks.
We need volunteers for setting up the popcorn and drinks area, serving and a clean up crew to help at the end of the night.
Link to sign up for volunteering for the night.
Safety at all times!!
Please do not enter the presbytery (parish) driveway and drive through the parish carpark, as this is very dangerous with children and adults walking to the church and school and parish staff cars also coming in to park in the parish carpark. Please use the main entry and exit driveways at all times.
Parish Carpark: Please bring your child from the car into the school grounds and at the other end of the day, pick up from the gate and take carefully back to your car!
School Reports for Semester 2 and nPortal
Please note that all parents have been emailed today re the School Reports.
Please note:
School Reports for Semester 2, 2024, and in the future, will now be accessed via the nForma nPortal. Every parent wishing to access Student Reports moving forward will be required to Log into the nPortal for the first There will also be an App, nForma for Parents, which can be downloaded and accessed for Student Reports and Attendance. It is important to note that you must use the Email Address registered with the school.
If you are unsure please email Office Staff at: .
If you have any other questions, refer to the nForma FAQs page:
Foundation 2025 Transition
The next transition session is next
Monday 2nd December at 9.15am.
The focus is on Learning Diversity & Student Wellbeing. Parents will receive information on Student Wellbeing Programs, Learning Diversity,Intervention and Extension.
This week we had three award winners.
They were Alexander, Tim and Marcus for their care of the school environment.
Lunch Time clubs and Fundraising
It is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. The playground has been a hub of activity, full of students creating and making in order to improve the life of others.
Our Foundation students have continued their swimming lessons! This 8 day intensive swimming program will finish this Friday! The program is run by Aquastar and the venue is Haileybury College Keysborough.
Class Placement
The school staff is currently in the process of finalising class placements for 2025. This is a very complex process. We consider a number variables including:
- Student academic and wellbeing needs
- Learning adjustments
- A reasonable gender and academic balance in classes
- The working relationship of students
- The common good of our school
In formulating class lists, we endeavor to ensure that each child has at least one friend in their future class.
Please note that we can not guarantee parent requests. We ask that you trust us in this important and intricate process.
Importantly please note that no changes will be made to class lists after these are finalised.
Students will meet their 2025 class mates and teachers on the morning of Monday 9th December.
Student Leadership and Captains in 2025
Students in Year 5 will be presenting their Captains speeches on December 2nd and 3rd.
Year 4 and 5 students will listen to the speeches. These students will vote for our captains, not only based on each candidates speech, but how they see these students as leaders. Staff will also have input. There will be 20 Captains for 2025. They will be announced before the end of year. All Year 6 six students will be 'leaders' with some students elected to captaincy roles.
Thank you to the parents who came to the information session on Monday.
Mother's and Father's Day 2025
Over the last few years we have hosted a Mother's Day and Father's Day breakfast. Please fill in the following survey. These events do take a lot to prepare so we want to make sure that this is the right time for these even :
Click HERE
SJV Spirit Day - December 5
Colour Fun Run & Talent Show
All students will need a white t-shirt to participate in this event.
If anyone can lend a water gun for the day could the school please borrow. This will only be used on students that wish to be squirted.
We hope as many parents as possible will join us for the talent show at 12.15pm or the Colour Run at 2.15pm. Please stay after school for a BBQ $2 a sausage in bread or $2 a drink.
You have till Friday 29th November to order your prizes online!!
School Reports for Semester 2 and nPortal
Please note that all parents have been emailed last week re the School Reports.
Please note:
School Reports for Semester 2, 2024, and in the future, will now be accessed via the nForma nPortal. Every parent wishing to access Student Reports moving forward will be required to Log into the nPortal for the first time. There will also be an App, nForma for Parents, which can be downloaded and accessed for Student Reports and Attendance. It is important to note that you must use the Email Address registered with the school.
If you are unsure please email Office Staff at: .
If you have any other questions, refer to the nForma FAQs page:
SJV Community Carnival-Save the date 29th March 2025
This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025.
If you have a business and can donate any Vouchers or Goods for Raffle prizes, please contact or hand into the office reception.
If you think you can help in any other way please contact:
Next Meeting: This evening at 7.00pm
To join the video meeting, click this link: Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 515-585-0128 and enter this PIN: 971 255 939#
School Advisory Council
The school advisory meets for the final time next Tuesday.
We will be discussing
2025 Staffing
Our School Review Summary
2025 School Closure Days
Therapy Dog in school program
Please see our Important Dates page for all upcoming events and Term 1 2025 testing and starting days.
Due to the recent unusual Melbourne Weather this week - we have had a lot of students coming into sick bay with allergy symptoms. If your child is occasionally prone to hay fever, allergies or asthma could you please give them any preventative medications in the morning before school.