Fast Learners
Coming up Term 1, 2025 . . .
This unit teaches the basic work of the scientist using forensic chemistry. It includes: collecting and examining evidence; DNA profiling, document and text analysis using ink sampling; handwriting styles; fingerprints and shoeprints; fibre and hair analysis; following step by step procedures; learning to observe details; interpreting information and drawing conclusions; gathering evidence to create a mystery story; investigating and helping to solve a mystery. We’ll have fun and learn to be good detectives.
Faster Learners Application for 1st Term, 2025
This program is available for all Grade 1 - Grade 6 children who have qualified for Faster Learners.
The unit for first term commences week beginning Monday 28th January 2025
The unit will run for 8 weeks commencing: Mon 28th Jan, 5th Feb, 12th Feb, 17th Feb, 24th Feb, 3rd Mar,
10th Mar and 4th Apr.
Faster Learners Teacher: Noel Blacker: Mobile 0409 435 396
I wish to enrol my child in the unit "The Wandering Widget” week beginning Monday, 28th January, 2025
School: Burwood East Primary
Child's Name (Used in Class)________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________________ Full Grade Title: ______________________________
Parents' Names: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: BH _________ AH __________ Mobile _____________ Email: __________________________
My child has already qualified for Faster Learners YES/NO
I would like a free test for my child YES/NO.
I would like my child to be tested with a fuller assessment to qualify for Faster Learners (assessment cost $500 inc GST).
The cost of the program is $283.80 (fees $258 plus GST of $25.80)
To access the Faster Learners program for 1st Term 2025:
- Send the Enrolment form ONLY (no receipt) to Noel Blacker;
email: by Thursday, 13th February 2025
- Payment of $283.80 (inc GST) also needs to be received by Thursday, 13th February 2025
Payment: Access Re-Ed Services Pty Ltd (Faster Learners)
BSB 083218 Account No. 516636659 (Please include your Child’s Class Name, Full Grade Title and School so I know who the payment is for)
A child is not enrolled until Enrolment Form has been sent to Noel Blacker AND fees have been sent to Access Re-Ed Services at the same time.
Please contact me, Pat Truscott, on mobile 0407 313 657 if you have any queries.