Polished Man

On Friday 8 November, we held activities around the school to raise awareness of the Polished Man Campaign. This important day shines a light on the alarming statistics of violence against women and children and the need for all of us, men and women to take a stand and be a united voice. Polished Man is not about celebrating or acknowledging one gender over another, it’s about raising awareness of the alarming number of women and children who are impacted by domestic.
As well as fundraising activities, staff and students were encouraged to paint one nail blue to show their support, complete a DO NOW activity in period one, participate in conversations about the issue of family violence and participate in a staff vs student kickball game at lunch.
Thank you to a group of Ms Beck’s year 11 VM students who facilitated the event… creating awareness posters, painting nails, handing out zooper doopers, organising the kickball game and starting conversations… all with the aim of raising awareness.
Rebecca Howell
RRRR Leader