Term 4

Where has this year gone is the question on everyone’s lips. The students have been so busy learning that the year just seems to have flown by. It is hard to believe that this is the last Lower Primary newsletter for the year!
2024 has been a year that has focused on engagement, connection, emotional regulation and learning resilience. Our students have worked hard to become supportive team members who show kindness, cooperation and respect for each other. They have celebrated many moments of success and there have been many of these moments over the term.
“Movie Magic” was a wonderful success and what a fantastic performance it was. All the hard work and effort that students and staff put in was certainly worth it. They were absolute stars. Each student had the opportunity to shine, and they certainly did just that. As I reflect on this performance, it was not only about the concert night but also about the learning that occurred along the way. This learning involved singing and dancing but also turn taking, cooperation, perseverance and resilience to bring the performance together. It was a privilege to be part of this journey and to watch each little step that was taken to enable our students to be the confident performers you saw on stage. The way our students prepared for, and then performed, really did personify the school values of Personal Best and Cooperation.
Another success moment was our Farewell Assembly. This assembly was the opportunity to acknowledge the great work of the Lower Primary students and importantly, to say a formal goodbye to those students who were moving to Upper Primary and on to other schools. We are extremely proud of Aaron, Adrian, Hayat, Hussain, Ibaad, Levi, Raphael, Yana, Abbey, Daniyal, Jack, Kaleb, Levi H, Marlina, Mohamed, Piyush, Tyrone, Amelia, Cassidy, Charlie, Jacob, Lilly, Mahad, Maria, Yosiph, Sridhiyaan, Gurmaan & Archer. Congratulations on your accomplishments! We wish you every success as you embark on new challenges in Upper Primary or in your new school. Your friends and teachers in Lower Primary will miss you.
Students and their families are always supported during transitional periods of school life. For Lower Primary students, the key periods are when entering school at Prep and when moving to Upper Primary. We aim to ensure that students can make these transitions as smoothly as possible.
This year’s Transition to School program has been very successful.
It provided a range of opportunities for little people entering in prep, moving to us from other schools and those moving onto Upper Primary next year. We welcomed our 2025 preps and students moving to us from other schools who have enjoyed spending time in classrooms. It has certainly helped to make them feel happy, comfortable and keen to come back next year.
Students moving to Upper Primary explored the Bundoora Campus, participated in classroom activities, and met their future teachers. The smiles and excitement from these visits were proof that they are ready to take on new challenges.
To finish off the year, each of our planning teams participated in special activities at school or outside of school. LPA, B & C visited Scienceworks and it was described as the “best day ever”. LPE, F & G visited Bundoora Farm, LPH & I, visited Edendale farm whilst LPD, J & K enjoyed bringing their teddies to school to join in with a Teddy Bears Picnic. A great way to end the year.
LPA, LPB and LPC Big Day Out!
On Thursday the 5th of December LPA, B and C embarked on our Big Day Out. We started the day with an excursion to Scienceworks where we explored lots of activities associated with our discovery unit. Our specific focus being extreme weather. We enjoyed some weather-related science experiments at the lightening show, but the highlight was when the tesla coil produced lightening for us to see behind the very safe steel mesh wall. It was very loud and spectacular. The air playground explored the movement of air in various ways such as whooshing, swirling, gusting, blowing and floating. It was all hands on learning and lots of fun. Next, we went to watch a show in the planetarium called “Tilt”. We went on journey with Annie, Max and his toy robot reclining to watch on the big dome screen as they explored how the seasons are a result of the Earth's axial tilt and its orbit around the Sun. This combination causes variations in the amount of sunlight received by different parts of the Earth throughout the year. As a result, the seasons and the length of daylight differ depending on the location, from the poles to the equator. We then watched a simulation of the night sky, looking for various planets and stars. After a brief exploration in the sportworks we had an afternoon snack and then headed back to school. Some of us played indoor games, whilst others watched a movie. We finished off our extended day with pasta bolognaise for dinner and ice-cream for dessert. This was a wonderful day filled with lots of great learning and a fantastic way to celebrate our year together.
LPE, LPF and LPG Bundoora Farm
Students in LPE, LPF and LPG enjoyed an excursion to Bundoora Farm to celebrate a fabulous year of learning. It was a really hot day so we set off early to avoid the heat. Students were introduced to the resident guinea pigs and given a chance to pat them. Next the students split into groups and did two activities- going on a little tractor ride to see ducks, kangaroos and emus resting in the shade, and wandering around the farm feeding sheep, cows and goats. There were a few nervous students but all conquered their fear and managed to feed at least one of the animals.
Some highlights were seeing the pigs wallow in the mud, the cheeky goat sticking her head out for some extra pats and of course, time on the adventure playground. A great day was had by all who attended and we had some very tired little people back at school after a fun day out.
LPH and LPI Adventures at Edendale Farm
The Grade 1 students from Concord’s LPH and LPI classes had an amazing year-end adventure that was full of fun, furry friends, and outdoor play! Their big day started at Edendale Farm, where they got up close with all kinds of adorable farm animals.
The kids had a blast feeding goats and sheep, giggling as the animals eagerly nibbled from their hands. In the chicken pen, they sprinkled food for the hens and roosters, who clucked around happily. The guinea pigs stole the show, though! The students loved patting the fluffy little critters and watching them munch on crunchy carrots. And of course, the small horses were a huge hit—lots of "oohs" and "awws" were heard as they trotted around the paddocks.
After all that farm fun, the students headed to Eltham Playground to burn off their extra energy. There was plenty of climbing, running, and laughter as they made the most of the sunny afternoon.
It was a day packed with smiles, new experiences, and the perfect way to wrap up the school year!
LPD, LPJ, LPK Prep Teddy Bears Picnic
The students of LPD, LPJ, and LPK had a paws-itively wonderful time bringing their favourite teddy or soft toy to school for our Teddy Bears' Picnic!
The day was full of bear-y exciting activities. Each class got creative in the kitchen, making delicious picnic snacks with a little help from their teddy companions. Together, they whipped up teddy bear toast, fairy bread, and prepared a vibrant fruit platter to share. The students did an amazing job following instructions and working as a team!
The fun didn’t stop there! Throughout the day, the students enjoyed teddy-themed stories, groovy dances, and catchy songs. One of the highlights was playing parachute games with their cuddly guests, which brought lots of smiles and giggles.
As the afternoon sun made it un-bear-ably hot, everyone cooled down with icy poles and popcorn while relaxing to a screening of Paddington. It was the perfect end to a teddy-rific day!
LPD, LPJ, and LPK loved sharing this special experience with their fuzzy friends.
As 2024 draws to a close, I want to take a moment to thank the Lower Primary staff for their dedication and care, our parents for your ongoing support, and most importantly, our students, who never fail to impress us with their hard work and enthusiasm.
The Lower Primary team wishes you all a safe and happy holiday break. We look forward to welcoming you and your children back in 2025 for another year of learning, growth and resilience.