Special Events

Primary Christmas Assembly
The Primary School gathered on Thursday morning in the Gym for our annual Primary Christmas Assembly. The Prep Nativity play and the 'God Loves You' message provided an opportunity for us to reflect upon the miracle of Jesus' birth and His purpose for coming at Christmas time. We sang the carol 'Joy to the World' as a reminder of the hope we have because he is victorious and is coming again.
Both the Junior and Senior choirs performed skilfully, highlighting just how much they have grown and developed throughout this year.
In addition to giving thanks for 2024, we spent time looking forward to some of the things 2025 has in store. We were introduced to the 2025 student leaders and celebrated the winners of the MECS Threads Art Competition which acknowledged the creativity of both students and staff. We look forward to many more opportunities for our community to bless one another as we partner together.
Janet Anderson
Assistant Principal - Primary